Yet More Fun At 184 Eagle Street: F**king FED UP!!!

July 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

184eaglethumb(Formerly known as the Luxe Guesthouse)

Anonymous writes (in an email entitled I’m F**cking FED UP!!!):

OMG, the fun REALLY just doesn’t stop here at 184 Eagle.

Apparently, Sam Fruchter (the owner of the building, Best On Eagle) and a few tenants got into a huge fight about his lack of a valid Certificate of Occupancy and his continued attempts to rent apartments to more people than the fire code allows. The building has been illegally occupied for over 1 year.

He’s been quietly negotiating rock bottom rents with most of us, offering better units etc., to keep people who know what’s happening silent and honestly the price offered is better, but NOW I’m concerned. While searching for greener pastures (aka a new legit apartment), I found his newest POSTING while searching for new space in the neighborhood.

What F***king gives!!! — No matter how much we complain, no matter how much he says otherwise -  He still continues to post ads on craigslist that CLEARLY and OPENLY state his willingness to SLEEP up to 6~ in a 2 bedroom apartment. ON CRAIGSLIST LONG TERM!!!!  LONG TERM Miss Heather!!!

THIS MAN JUST DOESN’T KNOW WHEN TO STOP!!!! You CANNOT sleep 6 in a 2 bedroom – it’s against fire code…….He’s not even hiding it ANYMORE!!! Also, can 6 people even legally sign a lease in a new building that does not have a Certificate of Occupancy???? (check out the 3rd paragraph).

The six people disturbs me a little bit, BUT what REALLY disturbs me more, is his willingness to post it on Craigslist – IMAGINE how many he’s REALLY willing to allow to “sleep”, if he’s comfortable posting that on craigslist.

I don’t trust this guy. Now, I know for sure that he simply doesn’t care about the quality of life of his tenants. It’s all about the money. Look @ this ad Ms. Heather !!!! This apartment looks mighty familiar!!!

He’s working with two new guys*, but it’s the same CRAP, but NOW it’s LONGTERM! PLEASE call the telephone #  and set-up your own “appointment” to fact-check.

vacation rentalREV

NOW I AM REALLY OUT OF HERE, any one willing to sign a “lease” is not looking at the bigger picture!!!!

Sincerely Furious.


I have written about this property time and time again.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: 184 Eagle Street

More Fun At 184 Eagle Street

From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Fun Keeps On Coming At 184 Eagle Street…

More Fun With The Luxe Guesthouse

Presenting The Luxe Guesthouse

Nothing happens.

Same song, different verse. I wonder how long it will take the Department of Buildings to pick up the tune?

Miss Heather

P.S.: Anonymous later wrote:

…forgot the copy of the link (screencap — Ed. Note), just in case they take it down (learned that from you).

This makes me proud. In my three years of hammering away at New York Shitty, the fact this person took a screencap of said advertisement (which I annotated) made my trials and tribulations totally worth it.

*Where did Kisha Richardson, AKA: go? Don’t bother looking it up here, look up “

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: 184 Eagle Street

June 19, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

If anyone from the Department of Buildings is reading this (and finally feels inclined to inspect this building which has a number of complaints filed that an illegal hotel is being operated on the premises— some of which date as far back as February) you might want to check out this unit located on easternmost corner of the 5th floor.


As you can see a pair of bunk beds are clearly visible from the street. Bunk beds, I will add, which bear a striking resemblance to the ones featured on Luxe Guesthouse’s web site.*


It doesn’t get much more obvious than this, folks. Not that I expect this post (or any of my previous posts about this building) to motivate the Department of Buildings to actually do anything. They’ve sat on their hands for five months and I have little doubt they will continue to do so for at least five more.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again:

What is the point of having laws on the books if they are not enforced?

This is laughable.

Miss Heather

Image Credits/Information: The former photograph was taken yesterday, June 18 at approximately 10:00 p.m. The latter comes courtesy of Hostel Bookers dot com.

*Which is currently parked but a new and improved site is promised. Hence why I gleaned the latter image from Hostel Bookers dot com.

More Fun At 184 Eagle Street

May 28, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

184eaglethumbLast holiday weekend I realized how much I needed a vacation. To this end my day trip to the Bronx was just the thing to jolt me from my rut and get me out having a good time. This afternoon, however, it has been brought to my attention that if I’m looking for a swinging time I do not leave the borough. Hell, I need not leave Greenpoint for that I matter: I just need to saunter down to 184 Eagle Street. Anonymous writes:

Dear Miss Heather,

I am very sad to say that I also live at the now ramshackle shanty condo located at 184 Eagle Street… Similarly to the last resident who dropped you a note, I’ve come across some unsavory characters wandering around in, and trying to follow me into the building. After I shut the door before the last bunch could get in, the guy started yelling at me through the glass and randomly dialing numbers on the call box. I don’t feel safe here at all anymore. Indeed, it simply isn’t.

The building is a sinking ship and literally every resident (yes, we are the fleeing rats) with whom I’ve spoken has moved out or is going to very soon. The travesty, though not surprising, is that the owner is showing apartments to potential renters despite not having a certificate of occupancy. Me thinks this might be illegal, no?

I cannot wait to get out of this shit hole.

If anyone reading this is a resident of this “shit hole” I implore you to take photographs and/or shoot video footage and send them to me at:

missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com

I would very much like to post them.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Fun Keeps On Coming At 184 Eagle Street…

May 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

or would that be the Luxe Guesthouse?


Anonymous writes:

Greetings… I noticed that you covered the “shadiness” that is the development at 184 Eagle St. I am sad to say, I am a resident at 184 Eagle St, and unbelievably I am under a lease. I can tell you first hand that this place is basically a Hostel, and while most original tenants have found a way out of here, I am still trying (with my security/last month intact). Nevertheless, shady things keep happening at the building (the other day a group of girls at the door asked me if the “club” was open today, whatever that means).

Perhaps that D.O.B. complaint I found so amusing is true?


As you can see this was filed February, 5 2009…


and we’re still waiting.

In closing here are some screencaps of Luxe Guesthouse’s and Department of Buildings respective web sites for your amusement.


Since when in the course of requesting a reservation is one’s gender, nature of visit and nationality been relevant to secure a place to hang one’s hat. Oh wait, I forgot, this place is totally illegal!


1/30/09: the Department of Buildings takes note that 184 Eagle Street is a new building without a valid Certificate of Occupancy.

2/27/09: I am tipped off to an illegal hotel/hostel being operated at 184 Eagle Street.

2/28/09: I am tipped off that the powers behind Luxe Guesthouse have been canvassing Greenpoint businesses.


3/19/09: “Caller states there is an illegal apartment on the 5th floor”


3/19/09: the Department of Buildings takes note, once again, that 184 Eagle Street has no valid Certificate of Occupancy.

3/30/09: I beat my head against the wall once again.


4/3/09: The Department of Buildings notes the elevator at “182 Eagle” is not functioning properly. So they issue paperwork to the respondent:

Best Value Inc.
394 McGuiness Blvd. LIC, NY 11222.

Could someone please explain to me the previous timeline of municipal malfeasance? Let’s review:

  • We have a building with no certificate of occupancy whatsoever.
  • Yet it is inhabited by renters…
  • and patrons of an illegal hotel/hostel.
  • The Department of Buildings is clearly aware of C of O issue.
  • They have cited the owners of this building twice for this offence.
  • They have cited the owners of this building for an inoperative elevator.
  • Yet the Department of Buildings has yet to figure out what many of us know already: 184 Eagle Street is being run as an illegal hostel/hotel.

Which brings me to this:


A Certificate of Occupancy is used for a number of purposes:

  1. to establish how a property is to be used, e.g.; residential, commercial, manufacturing, etc.
  2. it also establishes occupancy, e.g.; how many people can be in said space.
  3. it is used to determine taxes on landlords.

This building has no Certificate of Occupancy. Luxe Guesthouse, AKA: 184 Eagle Street, will only take cash, money orders, travelers checks and paypal. Can you say tax evasion?

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Back at it at 184 Eagle?

November 2, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

184eaglethumbRemember 184 Eagle Street? For those of you who don’t it is a failed condo (nondo) which was being pressed into service as an illegal “hostel”. Truth be told I had almost forgotten about this bit of real estate bust hilarity. Almost: I recently received a reminder in my inbox:

concerned neighbor who writes:

You know I really bought the whole rogue tenant thing UNTIL now!!!!

Here is a listing for a 1 week “sublet” @ 184 eagle street…



Perhaps I am being a stickler but didn’t the ad copy clearly state this apartment was furnished?


(to be continued, no doubt…)

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: It’s Move In Day At 239 Banker Street!

May 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


On May 31, 2009 Anonymous wrote:

i saw residents moving into the illegal, non-c-of-o, stop work ordered 239 Banker (neighbor of 259 Banker Street— better known as Studio B*— the edifice graced with the blue sidewalk shed in the background of the above photograph— Ed. Note) yesterday afternoon. Saw the Uhaul, asked the question myself. called in the complaint. they are advertising on C(raigs)L(ist):


Indeed they are! (To view a larger image click on the above jpg or any of the following jpgs.) What’s more, this hotel— oh, I mean loft— has its own web site! Here are some highlights:


Most importantly, no matter what time of day you come home, there will be a safe and cozy environment upon your return.

Hmm... this sounds kind of familiar. Wait— I remember— the Greenpoint Hotel has been advertising “safe and cozy” rooms for some time. Coincidence, you ask? Hardly: 239 Banker and the Greenpoint Hotel are both owned by my good buddy Max Stark! Let’s see what’s on the “Lofts” page, shall we?


From dinner parties to a quick fix after work, you’ll never be lacking space and functionality for your culinary excursions.

Heh, heh, heh… they said “fix”!


Ten minutes from the Bedford Avenue stop of the L? That’s kind of a stretch. But then again so is securing a permit from the Department of Buildings under the auspices of converting a manufacturing space into a “transient hotel”, offering two bedroom units for $2,100 a month in a building which— did I mention this already— has no Certificate of Occupancy?

Not that I really blame Max. If an illegal hostel can exist at 184 Eagle Street— for MONTHSdespite numerous complaints to the Department of Buildings why shouldn’t he get in on the fun?

But what would I know? My apartment building doesn’t have washer/dryer units on every floor. Maybe I should live in a hotel instead?

Miss Heather

UPDATE, June 2, 2009: After learning the very questionable legal status of 239 Banker Street Nicole has ceased to be the real estate agent for this property. No worries, now Liz is one the job…


and it would appear someone else is moving in.

*Whose rooftop terrace is still getting 311 complaints.

New York Shitty Day Starter: An Open Letter To Governor Paterson

When I finally had the time and wherewithal to contact you were unavailable. So here it is.

Dear Mr. Paterson,

Several months ago I was contacted by a person from Richard Gottfried’s office about illegal hotels. She wanted to know about any and all illegal hotel activity I knew about in Williamsburg. Despite being the proprietress of the Village Voice’s “Best Neighborhood Blog of 2009” I was not as helpful as I would have liked to have been; I live in Greenpoint.

However, Greenpoint has its fair share of this kind of thing and I brought them to her attention. Foremost and above all is 184 Eagle Street (formerly known as the Luxe Guesthouse). How do I know about this, you ask? Very simple: I have had residents of said building email me.  Repeatedly. Follows are a couple of their complaints:

“Greetings… I noticed that you covered the “shadiness” that is the development at 184 Eagle St. I am sad to say, I am a resident at 184 Eagle St, and unbelievably I am under a lease. I can tell you first hand that this place is basically a Hostel, and while most original tenants have found a way out of here, I am still trying (with my security/last month intact). Nevertheless, shady things keep happening at the building (the other day a group of girls at the door asked me if the “club” was open today, whatever that means).” From May 14, 2009.

“I am very sad to say that I also live at the now ramshackle shanty condo located at 184 Eagle Street… Similarly to the last resident who dropped you a note, I’ve come across some unsavory characters wandering around in, and trying to follow me into the building. After I shut the door before the last bunch could get in, the guy started yelling at me through the glass and randomly dialing numbers on the call box. I don’t feel safe here at all anymore. Indeed, it simply isn’t.”

This hails from a building where people who are paying $2,000+ a month in rent. In other words: “people who matter”. Speaking as someone who lives a few blocks away I can assure you the “safety” issue extends much further than 184 Eagle Street proper. If the “transactions” I’ve seen are any indication I’d say the drug business is thriving. I have little doubt this underground tourist trade is in large part responsible for this; backpackers looking for a bunk and a good time— with no regard for their neighbors. They drink, get high, break and leave. My community has to deal with the consequences.

If you want to see more abject examples I’d suggest looking at Hotel Toshi’s web site. I recognized (albeit by not specific addresses) quite a few buildings he is employing as hotel space. The one that really got to me was Mr. Toshi’s “Southside Swiss Chalet”. This is, most assuredly, located in a rent-stabilized building.

I’ve featured all the previous and more on my website, Mr. Paterson.  Please approve this legislation.

As I said before: apartments should be for New Yorkers, not tourists.

Miss Heather

Quicklink: A Timely New York Times Editorial

It was recently brought to my attention by a buddy of mine at Joe Lentol’s office that legislation has been brought forward by State Senator Liz Krueger and Assemblyman Richard Gottfried to end the nuisance that are illegal hotels in our city (such as the now defunct Luxe Guesthouse which operated at 184 Eagle Street right here in the Garden Spot and can be seen at left) once and for all. What’s more, the New York Times has seen fit to print a pretty good editorial supporting this legislation. Please give this item a read and, if you agree, take a moment to make our Governor aware that you do not support residential apartments— especially those in rent stabilized buildings— being pressed into service as transient housing. Housing in New York City should be for New Yorkers, not tourists.


Miss Heather

What’s Up At The Place Known Formerly As The Greenpoint Hotel

hotelAs I mentioned previously, the weather was such that I had to find alternative means of entertaining myself and/or news gathering. First on my agenda (after working) was visiting Emi at Dog Habitat. I quickly rushed home, took a shower and ran off to my next engagement: Community Board 1’s Human Services (Shelter, Social Services, Aging, Disability Concerns, Health) Committee meeting.

This might not seem like the typical person’s idea of how to spend a Thursday night. Given the dismal turn-out— only two committee members were present— I’d say this is a fair assessment. But then again, I am not typical. I’m a weirdo (hence why I live in Greenpoint: I feel at home). What’s more, my mission had a purpose: the new owner of the Greenpoint Hotel was slated to speak. And speak he did. I was all ears (and some mouth).

Follows a general outline of the proceedings (NOTE: some of the following content is redundant to what I have posted already. By omitting it the natural “flow” of the discussion would be lost— so I kept it) :


First Mr. Deutchman introduced himself, made mention that he owns and operates a number of SROs in the city and gave a background as to how he acquired the property:

  1. He bought the property from the bank (foreclosure or seizure?) at the U.S. Attorney’s Office and D.E.A.’s discretion.
  2. He was the fifth bidder. The previous four bidders were rejected.
  3. He paid $3.5 million dollars for the property.
  4. This includes the laundromat next door (which can be seen above).


  1. This facility (I can honestly find no other word to describe this hodgepodge of buildings) sports 200 rooms. Just rooms. All plumbing (READ: bathrooms, sinks, etc.) is communal.
  2. The parcel in its entirety is 55,000 square feet.
  3. Although Mr. Deutchman was promised there would be 75 residents at signing. There were, in fact, 120 occupied rooms. This number has since been brought down to 80. (I will go into how later.)
  4. At the time of purchase this building had 300 open violations, this has since been brought down to 8.
  5. All structural remedies have been made, what is lacking is a “Certificate of Fitness”.
  6. A fire consultant has been hired to help this complex become fire code complaint.
  7. The exterior has been given a total overhaul. Including a healthy dose of Greenpoint’s personal panache/panacea of choice: aluminum siding!


Inasmuch as some of you might find what I am about to write hard to believe, it is the truth: this is a big improvement. But back to the subject.


  1. The only entrance to this building is on Manhattan Avenue. The fire exits are now self-closing and have alarms (so as to preclude people from using them in cases other than an emergency).
  2. Visitors are required to present valid ID to visit.
  3. The party being visited must meet the person in the lobby and take him (or her) back to his room.
  4. Fire safety directors have been hired.
  5. A web-based security system has been installed. It should be entirely “up and running” soon.
  6. The laundromat will stay. Mr. Deutchman is interested in expanding it to a full-service facility that will offer dry-cleaning.

TENANTS (Current)

As you can imagine, questions and concerns arose as to how current tenants are being handled. Here’s his answer:

  1. Upon taking possession of the property Mr. Deutchman posted notices stating he was tendering the rent roll over the the NYPD to review for unregistered sex offenders and parole-skippers.
  2. Some have been “bought out” through negotiation between his layer and MFY, a legal service.
  3. Some will be evicted for non-payment of rent. Apparently a number of tenants having (and understandably) grown tired of the squalid conditions in this building decided to quit paying rent and this was upheld in housing court. Now that the repairs have been made (which is what Mr. Deutchman purports), collecting rent from some of them has proved to be problematic.
  4. Mr. Deutchman has reached out to various social service agencies (the Veterans Administration among them) to help rehouse them.
  5. Mr. Deutchman faces paying $500,000 in rental over-charge payments to current tenants because (hang with me here, this gets interesting)…
  6. Any tenant who lives in a SRO more than 28 days becomes a rent-stabilized tenant, e.g.; someone who moves in paying $215 a month after 28 days will continue paying $215 a month until the rent can be legally raised. Per the rules and regulations as established by the DHCR. Division of Housing Renewal & Control.
  7. Per Mr. Deutchman a number of the previous owners violated the law and charged rents that were above the allowable legal limit.

And, I suspect, Mr. Deutchman’s predecessors did other things to circumvent the law. Some of the old(ish) timers reading this might remember Sammy. He was a local celebrity of sorts. If my memory serves me correctly he was once featured in the Village Voice— or was it the NYPress? I forget which. In any case, the article in question made light of Sammy’s Solomon-like wisdom when dealing with a dispute over an objet d’art (READ: cheap piece of ceramic crap) at the Salvation Army (where he worked). Two women argued vociferously over who had found the item in question first. After hearing their arguments Sammy rendered his verdict: he dropped said object onto the floor, thus rendering it into numerous pieces the two women could split amongst themselves. Problem solved.

Despite what the previous anecdote might suggest Sammy had a big heart. We were friends and it broke my heart when I heard he died (of a heart attack— he was only 51 years old). Sammy was a resident of the Greenpoint Hotel. One of the things he mentioned (mind you, this was back in 2001 or 2002) was their modus operandi of having the tenants stay there for three weeks (21 days), then stay somewhere else for one, only to return for another three weeks (repeat cycle). As crazy as Sammy’s story sounded at the time given what Mr. Deutchman said it makes sense. Sammy hated living there— as have others I know. Some food for thought— now back to my “minutes”.

TENANTS (Future)

The question was raised by the chair as to why Mr. Deutchman didn’t want to operate a proper hotel. I for one found this query amusing given the number of nondos which have been employed for such a purpose. Albeit, illegally. Mr. Deutchman made it known:

  1. He does not want to run a hotel.
  2. He wants to operate a SRO…
  3. along the lines of an “assisted living facility” or “supported housing”:, e.g.; an adult home…
  4. with the cooperation/oversight of an organization (such as the Veterans Administration, to use an example)
  5. to this end he has filed RFPs (request for proposals).
  6. As he reiterated will be the landlord, and they will administrate day-to-day stuff.
  7. In the meantime he wants to vacate the building entirely of tenants and start anew. When asked by the committee chair how long this might take Mr. Deutchman said three years.


The committee chair asked the $64,000 question: given you have purchased such a large parcel of property, why not develop it?

Mr. Deutchman replied that at some point he would like to build “market-rate” housing on the site. “16 units” (which I would deduce to be 16 floors, I haven’t done the “math” but a footprint that big could plausibly be employed). In any case the chair, did and offered (as a fellow landlord) advise he go higher. Yup.

New York Shitty analysis:

  1. Mr. Deutchman has a contingency plan.
  2. He will develop this property. This is a given.
  3. He will employ it as an SRO in the interim— or given the time line he provided— skip this step and go to point #2.
  4. I am not against an SRO on this property provided it is well managed and maintained. I take a much broader view of “affordable housing” than many in my community do. In my world view an allocation of X units to be sold to families earning $45,000 or less in a tower does not constitute affordable housing. What I want to see (and what the market here really needs) are affordable RENTAL units, be they two bedrooms, one bedrooms, studio apartments or SROs. If the tenants of this hypothetical SRO are long-term residents, as opposed to transients (which seems to have been the prevailing trend at the “Greenpoint Hotel”) and/or a co-educational college dormitory (which is pretty much what the Northside of Williamsburg has become and what the Marzili Hostel was) methinks they’ll become part of the community and be (for the most part) good neighbors.
  5. Sooner or later we’re going to see something big at the corner of Clay Street and Manhattan Avenue.

My feelings are mixed. On the one hand, I hate towers. On the other, I do have to acknowledge that Mr. Deutchman has made numerous improvements to the place formerly known as the Greenpoint Hotel. Inside and out. The lobby is painted in cheerful (a term I never thought I would attribute to this establishment) hues of bright green and orange. It needs to be seen in person to truly be believed. The regular visitations by the police and fire department have abated— or at least subsided substantially.* Which brings me back to one thing Mr. Deutchman mentioned repeatedly: a desire for the NYPD canvass the area and the building proper.

On that note, the next and last 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting for the year will be this upcoming Monday, November 16. Given the wife of a good friend of mine was almost mugged on Roebling and North 8 Street earlier this week (at 7:00 p.m.) I am certain it will be interesting.**

Miss Heather

P.S.: This post is dedicated to the Human Services Committee Member who asked how my raccoon problem was going. I assured him it has stopped. THANK GOD. I’m genuinely sorry your friend in Little Neck got bit and had to go through a series of rabies shots. All nine of them. That sucks. Big time.

*If you care to dispute this please tender your observations via comments or email them via my “tips” page.

**Here’s his account:

Last night was parent teacher night at my two son’s school. Since my wife is a teacher she like to go to meet his teachers since I pick up my kids and drop them off everyday. As she was heading out she told me that her girlfriend who I believed she would be walking with had an earlier appointment and she would be going alone.

I got a bad felling and I actually asked her to take the car the seven blocks we normally walk. I did not want her walking under the BQE alone, even though it was only a little before seven pm. She said no and reminded me how hard it is to park by the school. She assured me she would be careful. The phone rang a little after eight and I answered the phone. It was my wife. She was screaming for me to run down the block because two men had just attempted to rob her. I ran out of my house to see my wife coming up our block crying and screaming. I got her inside and she explained that she had decided to walk up North 8th street instead of north 7th because it was closer to the church and better lit. As she walked up North 8th toward Roebling she was on her old, not fancy cell phone talking to her mother. Two men walked by her. Something told her to look back a few seconds later and she saw the two men closing in on her. They told her to give them everything she had. She started to scream at the top of her lungs. Police, I am being robbed, Police over and over. The two men ran away and my wife then called me and ran the block and a half to our home. We immediately called 911 and then the 94th to report what happened. A car came about a half hour later. The officers took a description of the two but did not fill out any paperwork and left. Although my wife was lucky no physical harm occurred and nothing was taken, I fear that this violation of trust that she now fears walking in our community at night is going to be difficult to overcome. I also am angry that these men are lurking in our community and probably found someone else to rob and will do it again. I also thought about my wife’s mother who is in her seventies and had to hear her daughter screaming over a cell phone not being able to help her. I have been complaining for the last two years that things are not so swell in Williamsburg. I should have went with my gut last night. I will have to live with that decision but I am happy my wife is physically safe. Be careful out there.


June 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Greenpoint Magic 

239 Myrtle

Well, it did fall.

The previous slide show beautifully illustrates the ineptitude of the Department of Buildings (lest I have not made it clear already*) comes courtesy of Lesterhead. With public servants like this, who needs enemies?

You can peruse complaints leading up to this incident including these gems dating from May 1, 2009



by clicking here and here. And do check out Clinton Hill Blog for the full scoop.

Miss Heather

*And of course there is my personal favorite: 156 India Street. You were (and are) really on top of that one, Department of Buildings! Hence why the Red Cross was brought in.

P.S.: For those of you who are curious (or homeless as a consequence of this) 493 Myrtle Avenue LLC can be reached here.

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