Miss Heather’s Bon Voyage

June 9, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Yesterday’s cruise netted (between the Mister and I) 600+ photographs to sort. I am currently on 116. Yup, it looks like it will be a long night for yours truly.

That said, I took a moment from my (admittedly) excessive shutter-bugging to recreate an old photograph I acquired several months ago. It dates from 1943 and was taken from the Staten Island Ferry. My impostor was taken from the American Princess as I was trying to keep my 110-115 pound person grounded while she negotiated choppy water. Nonetheless the similarity is striking.

Inasmuch as things may seem different (from 65 years ago) they are— for the most part— pretty much the same.

Dramamine, anyone?

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Miss Heather’s Bon Voyage

  1. blognigger on Mon, 9th Jun 2008 7:49 am
  2. Your 2008 1943 juxtaposition is clutch. good shit.
    Btw, went to south street seaport a couple years ago because we thought it would be good for the kids. Worst mistake of our lives. If you were there yesterday in 200 degree heat, I don’t know how you lived to make that post. That must be some automated shit.

  3. SouthOfNYC on Mon, 9th Jun 2008 3:20 pm
  4. Very nicely done 🙂

    – One thing that changed and is visible in your pictures are the hats people wore (and / or no longer wear).

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