The Ugliest New Building in New York City?

February 12, 2008 by
Filed under: Articles of Fedderization, Bed-Stuy 

Those of you who have a minute or two to spare should check out this week’s Forgotten-NY slice about Flatbush Avenue. Not only is Kevin Walsh in particularly good form, but he also saw fit to give yours truly a nod:

Over at NewYorkShitty, Miss Heather has posted a photo of the ugliest new building in New York City:

Gates and Wilson Crap

It’s at Gates and Wilson Avenues in Bushwick, in case you want to sightsee, but it could be in fab Flushing, it could be in Astoria, Bay Ridge, or anywhere else the Fedders are flourishing. Exposed gas/electric meters? Check. Fedders? Check. No setback or any attempt at privatizing the windows on the bottom floor? Check. Garden variety, everyday architectural garbage, what NYC will look like 25 years from now, if the icecaps don’t melt and we’re all under water using scuba suits or genetically engineered gills and fishtails.

Thanks for the shout-out Kevin! But I have some bad news for you: this is not the ugliest new building in New York City. That dubious distinction (in my humble opinion) should go to this masterwork of half-assed construction from Broadway.

Broadway bunker

Granted, next to the J/M/Z is less than a prime location, but were those exposed aluminum “chimneys” really necessary? Then again, maybe they are not chimneys at all: perhaps they are mail tubes so the residents of this building can commiserate with each other about how much this building sucks? Either way the end result is hideous.

I have seen people lavish more thought and aesthetics on dog houses. If man’s best friend deserves better, why don’t we homo sapiens?

Miss Heather


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