The Churches Of Bedford Stuyvesant

February 13, 2008 by
Filed under: Bed-Stuy 

Although it is common knowledge to many, I have to say that one cannot grasp the sheer number of churches that grace Bed-Stuy without going there in person. I have seen as many as five on one block. Pretty amazing stuff, seriously. Last weekend the spirit moved me to review and select my church of choice. Here are my three finalists:

St. Ambrose

The terra cotta tile work on this (formerly) Catholic Church is absolutely beautiful, but I have never been big on gaunt, wide-eyed saints looking imploringly up at the sky. They give me the creeps.

Brenda Bowels

We’re getting a little warmer with this one, but I suspect I would have a very difficult time keeping a straight face whenever Ms. Bowels is called to the pulpit. Yeah, I’m immature. Sue me.

Church of the Holy Shitter

NOW THIS IS MORE LIKE IT!!! Any church whose Baptismal font is a toilet is my kind of place! I do not recall what the name of this establishment is (Church of the Immaculate Excretion?) but I am headed down there right now to make sure I have a front row seat for their next christening.

Miss Heather


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