Furban Jungle: Spring Is In The Air!

This day has been one of ups and downs for yours truly. After getting home after a thoroughly enjoyable and invigorating walk  I came to the unpleasant realization that I had somewhere, somehow managed to blow away over half of the photographs I had taken this lovely afternoon. I am none too happy about this. As a matter of fact I am heartbroken. But so it goes.

Luckily my incompetence (or mere bad luck) did not eliminate the preeminent highlight of my sojourn. A scene of such mindfucking cuteness I stood there muttering in slack-jawed amazement— along with a significant number of other people. Children and adults alike.

Yes folks, today I beheld bunnies.

These are not just any floppy eared furkids either: these be Broadway bunnies. They call a neighborhood garden on the dividing thoroughfare between Bushwick and Bedford Stuyvesant their home. As it would happen a woman from Bushwick City Farm (which is located across the street) noticed my rapt interest and gave me the low down. Simply put, her organization is responsible for these little fellas. She also mentioned that the person who donated this space was concerned that these little ones might be experiencing emotional distress. I for one did not and do not believe this to be the case. They seemed to be having a grand time.




As a matter of fact, not even the J/Z train roaring overhead distracted one of them from trying to, uh, do what rabbits do best.

It IS beginning to feel a lot like spring, after all!

Miss Heather


6 Comments on Furban Jungle: Spring Is In The Air!

  1. rowan on Tue, 16th Mar 2010 5:50 pm
  2. the black one reminds me of a pet rabbit i had when i was fifteen. one question: who takes care of the bunnies after hours? by no means, is this a slight against the folks of the neighborhood. but i don’t like the idea of small animals unprotected in an urban area. because there are always jerks around.

  3. missheather on Tue, 16th Mar 2010 6:11 pm
  4. The gate is locked no one can have access without some from this garden present. If you look carefully there is a pretty big “hutch” in the background. The lady I met told me they would be adding more bunny-friendly amenities this spring. Perhaps this will include a bunny condo with rooftop terrace?

  5. d on Tue, 16th Mar 2010 9:11 pm
  6. Wow I went from seeing someone’s Twitter photo of their roasted rabbit carcass to seeing these cuties. To each their own but I prefer these rabbits to the carcass. 🙂

  7. SpillConspirator on Tue, 16th Mar 2010 11:52 pm
  8. I just looooooove bunnies. This made my day.

  9. missheather on Wed, 17th Mar 2010 12:04 am
  10. I prefer with furkids with a pulse! While I can understand some reasons for concern (Rowan brought up a good point) I think if done properly this could be great! You should have seen the parents walking home with their children doing double-takes (as I did). They lingered awhile and watched them (as I did). I think this is a great opportunity to teach children to care about animals and ergo the environment/world around them.

    I would love nothing more than to see one of the many derelict lots in Greenpoint converted into a simple neighborhood garden with a few furkids and plants the community could collectively nurture— WITHOUT the “help” of orgs like OSA or our Parks Department (which has failed north Brooklyn MISERABLY). An honest to god grassroots effort that would not only be a source of community pride but would facilitate Greenpointers of all stripes to get to know each other better. Who, after all, could resist a modest little garden in the Garden Spot graced with a critter or two and perhaps a mural? A REAL mural that reflects the constituency here.

    What I propose may not be high art or of the caliber of “parks” we have been promised. But therein lies the rub: the city has not kept any of its promises to Greenpoint regarding park space. Just promises and dreams. In light of the budget crunch I do not see this changing any time soon. At least not for the better.

    If I had a million (or two) to throw around I would make this happen. But I don’t. I have yet to become a media mogul and I do not see this happening anytime soon. But a community garden perfectly plausible. If Bed Stuy and Bushwick can make this happen, why can’t we?

  11. rowan on Wed, 31st Mar 2010 6:48 pm
  12. i finally got around to looking at this again. thanks for providing that information, heather; agree that this is a good way to show young people respect for animals.

    you make a salient point about a community garden. i like that idea very much. and wasn’t there a later post about a guy wanting to plant sunflowers? that is a lovely idea.

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