Reader Contribution Du Jour: Barter In Bushwick

This item (which hails from the Archive Cafe) comes from a lady named Mika who writes:

That one about the drumming-lessons wanted has me stumped. “pay money or after physical therapie” what what what?

Methinks this flier reads “pay money or offer physical therapie”. So if any physical therapists are reading this who would like to learn how to play drums give this person a ring. Your golden opportunity has arrived!

Miss Heather


One Comment on Reader Contribution Du Jour: Barter In Bushwick

  1. nbenford on Sat, 19th Jun 2010 5:53 pm
  2. It seems to me to be physical therapist who wants to try out for the Blue Man Group. He wants a quickie drum lesson, and it return he can pay money or offer his services as a physical therapist. Kinda reminds me on Tobias Funke from Arrested Developmentm except he was an analrapist…

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