Reader Submission Du Jour: The Knick, Retooled

August 23, 2010 by
Filed under: 11237, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn 

Brooklyn Theory writes:

Dear Miss Heather, First, I’d like to say, I really enjoy your blog.  We have very similar interests, and have even posted similar images on our blogs. We’ve even taken some of the same pictures on the same day!  I’m sure one of these days our paths will cross as we trek through the borough exploring and taking pictures.  Anyway, I  photographed  this same Bushwick sign back on August 2nd as part of a ‘picture a day’ project I’m working on. This sign irks me  every time I walk past it.  When I saw your post today I had to laugh.  I have the image on my blog as well but never thought to ‘play’ with it in photoshop to express my true feelings towards it.  So here is my attempt to share what the signage says to me.  Hope you like it, and  thanks for the opportunity!  Keep smiling!

Thanks BT, this— and your kind words— made my day. In fact, I even feel a little inspired. Perhaps I’ll retool this advert for the Garden Spot? Williamsburg? Maspeth? Middle Village?!? The possibilities are endless!

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Reader Submission Du Jour: The Knick, Retooled

  1. eaglestreeter on Mon, 23rd Aug 2010 1:19 pm
  2. I’m a little confused. Isn’t the woman on the left wearing a headscarf and sporting a pierced nose and is therefore clearly Muslim? And isn’t the dude in the middle clearly African-American? Aren’t both of those demographics accurate to historic end of 20th Century Bushwick? What am I missing? Or is the addition of one white chick to the poster the gentrification part?

  3. Conrad on Mon, 23rd Aug 2010 9:37 pm
  4. The woman on the left is African-American with red dyed dreads.

  5. eaglestreeter on Tue, 24th Aug 2010 11:07 am
  6. Are you sure? What’s with the chin high blouse? Ok so two out of three of the people on the poster are African American. I still don’t get the problem. I’m not trying to be a douche..I honestly don’t get it.

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