The Chicken Wing Project

March 10, 2007 by
Filed under: Chicken Bones 

This morning I was tooling around Flickr to see if there are any groups dedicated to documenting discarded chicken bones. This is a very worthy and noble cause, one which I had hoped to be on the cutting edge of. But alas, there already is one.

I have asked to be invited to this group. You see, membership to this fine org is by invite only— probably because these chicken bone professionals want to weed out the practicing amateurs and dilettantes. I’m already on pins and needles waiting for their answer.

Perhaps I should have sent them my resume?

Miss Heather


One Comment on The Chicken Wing Project

  1. bluest on Sun, 11th Mar 2007 9:15 am
  2. I used to wait for the bus on the way to work in the morning next to a building where the sidewalk and bushes were littered with soiled baby diapers and chicken remains. The used diapers were being tossed out of the windows and the chicken bones must have been discarded by people waiting for the bus. To my horror, a huge flock of cannibalistic pigeons that lived on a neighboring building’s roof would swoop down and feast on the bits of greasy chicken left on the bones. Fights among the pigeons over the bones would often ensue. It was always a stomach-turning start to my day.

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