Separated at Birth?

June 19, 2007 by
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage 

Today I am going to share with you two dog shit signs that have recently been brought to my attention.

Separated at birth

Per Ari’s Blog (where I found the wonderful image to the left), this sign reads:

Be a mensch (human being) and clean up after him.

The sign on the right (courtesy of Eva101) is pretty self explanatory. Those of you who wish to behold this pup poopin’ in the posies in person can do so at the New York Public Library on 42nd Street.

Eva101 opined about her find:

One would think that a written sign (CLEAN AFTER YOUR DOG) would do in front of the New York Public Library, since the very existence of the Library assumes that there is a reading public out there…. perhaps the sign’s intended audience is – DOGS!? Or they really mean no shitting on the lawn (whereas the other sign means that it is technically okay to shit IF one cleans up afterward)… beats me….

To wit mlyn_blanche replies:

believe me as someone who works in a library, most of the people who come through the doors need this level of instruction. People seem to think that since the library is a public building, it’s ok to not pick up after their dog…

So there have you. While dog owners in Jerusalem are admonished in Hebrew, the New York Public Library sees fit to go with a more graphic means of getting the point across (presumably because their patrons can’t or WON’T read.). God help us all.

Miss Heather

P.S.: I would like to give special thanks to Xris over at Flatbush Gardener for tipping me off to the Jerusalem dog doo sign. It really brightened up my day.

ALSO— for those of you who might be interested, Xris will be co-hosting a blogger meet-up in Flatbush, Brooklyn this upcoming weekend.

Flatbush Flyer


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