Astoria Has Eyes

August 28, 2007 by
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage 

I once lived in Astoria, Queens. What’s more I liked it. The year was 1998 and the rent for my illegal basement apartment was $550 a month. All bills and endless offers of lamb stew and powerful coffee from my sweet Greek-speaking landlady included. Too bad I was (and still am) a vegetarian who eschewed caffeine.

In any case, my memories of this ‘nabe are warm and fuzzy ones. This is why I find the following dog shit signs (from Joey of Astoria) all the more disquieting.


Repent, sinner! REPENT!

The Neighborhood Has Eyes

Um, that’s sort of scary. Where’s Bucketman when you need him?

Miss Heather

P.S.: I’d like to give a big shout-out of thanks to Meg over at Joey in Astoria for bringing these wonderful signs to my attention. Thanks!


3 Comments on Astoria Has Eyes

  1. Steve of Astoria on Tue, 28th Aug 2007 7:07 pm
  2. Way to go Joey. Has anyone ever witnessed Greeks talking to eachother? A quick and simple insult is to extend your hand out with your palm towards another’s face. Simultaneously you’d shout: “NA RE MALAKA!”, which translates to “Take that Malaka!” — this symbolic gesture is from ancient times when a criminal or general piece-o-shit was paraded through a town so that the citizens could smear shit on their face.

    The icon on that sign reminded me of that gesture. These people are passionate about their hood. What are the chances that these neighbors are Greek?

  3. lisanne on Tue, 28th Aug 2007 9:03 pm
  4. I know that word “malaka” as well, I used to work for a florist (the greeks corner the market on the floral industry in nyc, you will now notice this. )and noticed it’s extensive usage…. even the mexicans picked up on it(who are learning the industry and will corner it next) we ALL used to call each other malaka! and laugh.

    i lived in astoria in the 80’s. i hung out in irish bars though. Is McGlouglin’s still there? (Broadway & 31st)

  5. Steve of Astoria on Wed, 29th Aug 2007 5:25 pm
  6. Re: Malaka directly translates to wanker/jerkoff/masturbator but is used to express either jerk, idiot, or just playfully expressing almost anything.

    Re: McLoughlin’s (a great Astoria Landmark) has always been there—it will always be there unless the Irish stop drinking. I do not intend offend anybody on or off the wagon.

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