
May 7, 2007 by
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day 

I was recently astonished to discover that someone in Italy added me as a Flickr contact. I mean 1/3 of my photos are scatalogical in some way, shape or form and it has been my observation that poop usually doesn’t win friends or influence people. Now I am beginning to rethink this long-held assumption.

After a little digging I discovered that Italians dislike dog shit as much as we do. In fact, they make light of their crap conundrum in a manner that is unabashedly stylish and witty. Then again, how could we possibly expect anything less from country who boasts some of the finest fashion designers in the world? Shit, their country is shaped like a boot with a stylish stiletto heel for crissakes!


Miss Heather


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