Today’s submission

May 24, 2007 by
Filed under: Dung of the Day, Other Shit 

When I got home this afternoon I discovered a select morsel of goodness in my inbox. “Begonia44” writes:

Hi Miss Heather!

I wanted to share my poop finding with you and also vent if that’s OK. But first of all, I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan of your blog. Thank you for adding giggles and laughter to my day.

So, here is what I have today.

Place: 89 Eagle St. between Franklin and Manhattan. Our back yard. In our garden.
This morning. May 24.
Mood: Nauseated and pissed

My poop isn’t from a dog, rather a cat. These are the cats who have been having sex in our back yard, tearing up my garden, and taking dumps on my newly planted seed bed. In the beginning, the squirrels dug up all of my planters and hid peanuts and other nuts in them. It was a war. I caught a squirrel in the act of destruction one day and ran outside like a crazy woman on crack and he actually came running at me (Holy SHIT! — Ed. Note). I went running back into the house. Crazy little things. Now it’s the cats shitting on my flower and herbs. Gross. I came home last night and my boyfriend Adam said he has cleared out a giant pile already. And now, I wake up to this nasty yellow piece of shit. I give up. Seriously.

Thank you so much!
I hope you are well,
And thanks again for your great writings.

Cat shit

No, thank you! Not only for your kind words but for seeing this sickly pile of poo and thinking of me.

Miss Heather


4 Comments on Today’s submission

  1. s5r5h on Thu, 24th May 2007 11:21 am
  2. Hi Miss Heather,
    Love your blog!
    I took a TNR (trap neuter release program) in Park Slope and am now on their mailing list.
    I think this link might be of interest to the woman from your last post….

  3. missheather on Thu, 24th May 2007 11:24 am
  4. Thanks. Frankly TNR had crossed my mind. Thanks for bringing it up!

  5. zoya on Thu, 24th May 2007 4:58 pm
  6. I didn’t have the patience to read the referenced link, maybe it’s in there. Just want to mention that coffee grounds work well to keep cats away. The person with the garden needs to keep sprinkling coffee grounds in the garden for a couple weeks every day after making coffee. My neighbors across the street have half-a-dozen to a dozen cats, and they (the cats) used to use our garage for shitting a lot. They’ve stopped now. If the cats come back, just start putting out more coffee grounds.

  7. begonia44 on Fri, 25th May 2007 7:11 am
  8. YES! thank you!

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