The Ring

June 26, 2007 by
Filed under: Bum Shit, Dung of the Day 

The Ring

I found the above scheiss oddity yesterday behind the Key Food on McGuinness Boulevard. Many of you non-Greenpointers may not know it, but this area (Newel Street between Greenpoint Avenue and Calyer) is a hotbed of bumshit activity.

That’s probably why this building decided to take a dump; it got shit/pissed/vomited on one too many times and decided to retaliate. Or there is a bum living in Greenpoint who can blow shit rings out of his ass. If it’s the latter, I would humbly suggest that someone locate this man and give him his own cable television show.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Be sure to check out today’s New York Daily News. I’m quoted in it!


One Comment on The Ring

  1. judes on Tue, 26th Jun 2007 3:52 pm
  2. Great quote and I’m glad you’re putting your investigative skills to use. I dub thee “Nancy Poo!”

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