It’s Snowing!

July 1, 2008 by
Filed under: Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic, Other Shit 

This was the hilarious sight that awaited me when I was walking down Green Street yesterday. Anyone who lives on Green Street between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street will attest that the Viridian has been quite busy installing styrofoam insulation over the last week. As a result the entire block and some of the people on it are blanketed in white flecks of foam. A little touch of winter on the cusp of July. To alleviate this problem, the above chap is vacuuming the sidewalk. Priceless.

I mention this anecdote because I was recently forwarded one of the finest complaints to the Department of Buildings I have ever seen. Jonathan writes:

look at the recent complaint for 156 Guernsey St! love it

It would appear that Green Street is not the only block afflicted by summertime snow storms. What’s more, one of the more attractive blocks in Greenpoint is set to get its very own Belvedere! Lucky them. Interested to see what a building “covered in styrofoam” looks like, I headed to 156 Guernsey without delay.

Styrofoam? What styrofoam?

The front of this building looks like a piece of Swiss cheese.

Swiss cheese with Friedrich boxes that is.

The building on the left was meticulously restored and put on the market by Corcoran. Given the recent absence of a “For Sale” sign, I would presume it has sold— probably for a very tidy sum. I wonder what the buyer thinks of its neighbor’s face lift?

Miss Heather


2 Comments on It’s Snowing!

  1. Citizen Skein on Tue, 1st Jul 2008 7:14 am
  2. If you’re going to complain, it should be through the DEP (Air Resources), not the DOB. You’ll get no where with the DOB on this one. Maybe even Sanitation. Get some of NY’s strongest out there to kick some ass.

  3. dizzyman on Tue, 1st Jul 2008 11:47 pm
  4. Last week it was “snowing” all the way down to Milton Street. We live on India St. and our backyard was covered in the styrofoam specs. You can still see the specs on stoops of buildings and on the street.

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