Say Hello to my L’il Friend!

January 19, 2007 by
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day 

This afternoon I came across an especially jaunty turd on my walk to the Franklin Corner Store (to procure refreshments). Being a pretty breezy and chilly day, I immediately went home and got some head protection for my new little friend.

Uptown Town

I give this creation (which can be viewed at 125 Green Street) two enthusiastic thumbs up.

Miss Heather


5 Comments on Say Hello to my L’il Friend!

  1. ThatDork on Sat, 20th Jan 2007 2:15 am
  2. i find it slightly disturbing that you own accessories for poop.

  3. missheather on Sat, 20th Jan 2007 3:28 pm
  4. It this any more disturbing than our government’s increasing disregard for human rights? Or homeless people being sued for pitching camp outside some asshole’s antique store on the East Side (God forbid the RICH be forced to SEE how the OTHER half lives)? I think not.

    As the Dog Shit Queen of Greenpoint, I take the plight of my homeless dog shit population very seriously. I am a caring despot and take great pride in providing my conSHITuency with the essentials.

  5. ThatDork on Sat, 20th Jan 2007 3:34 pm
  6. quit trying to change the topic at hand.
    you own poop accessories!

  7. missheather on Sat, 20th Jan 2007 4:02 pm
  8. I have intuited that this really bothers you and suspect envy is the reason why. Do you need dog shit accessories? Seriously. ‘Cuz if you do I’ll hook you up with some. Gaultier, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent— whatever you want. If it makes you feel better.

    There’s few things I hate more than seeing a turd wearing last season’s fashion (the only exception being Paris Hilton or her fuglyass sister, Nicky). The only thing worse (that comes to mind) is a turd parading around stark NAKED in public. We have children here and they do not need to see that kind of thing.

    P.S.: If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the deal with “That Dork”? Is it like “That Girl?” Do you and Marlo Thomas fly robotic kites in Central Park together? Oh wait— robots are for geeks, not dorks? Or are they??? Do tell.

    You need not post your answer, an email will suffice.

  9. Rebecca11222 on Sat, 20th Jan 2007 9:26 pm
  10. That is DEFINITELY beach attire. The poor lil’ fella needs a wool scarf and an electric blanket.

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