A novel approach to poop prevention

May 20, 2007 by
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint Magic 

After living in Greenpoint for seven plus years I have become a connoisseur of crap. There’s as much of (sh)it to be found here as there are people who loathe it. The latter usually make their anti-shit sentiments known in the starkest imaginable terms. Threats of violence against those who choose not to ‘scoop the poop’ are commonplace here.

This is why today’s example of dog shit signage (from Meeker Avenue just off Kingsland) is remarkable: it makes no direct physical threats whatsoever. My man on Meeker took a much more subtle and cunning approach.

Intoxicated Area

I have heard of hallowed ground. Stevie Wonder sang about reaching Higher Ground. But intoxicated ground?!? That’s only to be had in Greenpoint, kids!

We Greenpointers are a very robust and jocular lot. We envision the glass to be half-full versus half-empty. Since that very nasty (and very unremediated) oil spill ain’t going anywhere anytime soon, why not use it to deter another form of pollution?

Miss Heather


3 Comments on A novel approach to poop prevention

  1. Xris (Flatbush Gardener) on Sun, 20th May 2007 7:29 pm
  2. Reserved for tipsy dogs.

  3. missheather on Mon, 21st May 2007 6:25 am
  4. It’s amazing how one grammatical error can totally change the meaning of something. The fact that Greenpoint is home to a substantial number of “intoxicated” people only makes it more amusing.

  5. lisacat on Tue, 22nd May 2007 7:00 am
  6. I know some hyper dogs who might benefit from some prolonged walks here. Also, I just heard from a neighbor that the oil spill is actually spreading this way. She’s on Kingsland south of the BQE.

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