Greenpoint Pay Phone du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

October 24, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Do you want to know what I really hate? People talking on cell phones in restaurants. All I want to do is dine in peace —not listen to some self-important person making social arrangements or bitching about personal matters only of interest to him (or her). Unless of course it involves v.d. test results, pregnancy test results, getting thrown in or bailed out of jail.* In which case chat on narcissists, my dining experience is augmented by listening to you bitch about your yeast infection.

Needless to say I was delighted that this person sought to take his (or her) conversation outside: to this pay phone in front of New Kim Loon Restaurant on Manhattan Avenue.

Wouldn’t you like to take a nice big whiff of this receiver? Yummy.

Miss Heather

*I have heard all the previous at one time or another. I’m not kidding.


3 Comments on Greenpoint Pay Phone du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

  1. Peaches on Fri, 24th Oct 2008 1:17 pm
  2. So speaking of people talking loudly and inappropriately in public places: I was sitting in the 24hr starbucks near Lincoln Center yesterday after work and this guy came and sat down in the seat directly next to me and called someone who I assume was his ex. He the proceeded to tell her how happy he was he gave her face herpes because now she is ugly and no guy would like to sex her up. The conversation went on like this for 45 minutes, concluding with him telling her how much he wishes she will make some other guy cheat on his girlfriend so that the disgruntled girlfriend will go find her and shoot her in the face. I have never been so appalled.

  3. missheather on Sat, 25th Oct 2008 2:42 am
  4. That is one of the most revolting things I have ever heard.

  5. bitchcakes on Sat, 25th Oct 2008 1:20 pm
  6. WTF *IS* THAT?! Were they eating giant roaches?! I’m going to be sick.

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