Something Neat

October 27, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I learned about the above bit of Greenpoint goodness from a woman named Ashley*. She writes:

There is a very sweet piece of random art at the corner of Monitor and Driggs, right by PS 110. I have attached a couple of photos, but they suck since they were taking with a phone while trying not to get in traffic. It’s cute – a metal bird and leaves attached to the pole…

Thanks for sharing, Ashley. I suspect whoever is responsible for this also erected this sculpture on Rodney Street.

Miss Heather

*Whose dog won yesterday’s costume contest at McGolrick Park.

As reported by Bitchcakes:

The G Train Dog won! And in keeping with tradition, when called upon, the G Train (dog) would not move. He had to be coaxed from his spot by his owner. Hilarious!

Once again life imitates art. Mazel Tov!


One Comment on Something Neat

  1. MJK012579 on Tue, 28th Oct 2008 10:00 am
  2. HAHAHAHAHA……. Priceless!!!!!!

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