Interesting Email

May 1, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I take pride in the fact that when my readers find a pile of dog shit, they think of me. What’s more, the following email leads me to believe that public nuisances in general are becoming my calling card. Read on and you’ll see what I mean. Karolyn writes:

Hey. I’ve been lurking your site for awhile and woke up thinking about you this morning. (! —Ed. Note) Don’t be scared, it was largely due to the construction thumping that’s shaking my building a block away. I call the department of buildings nearly every day to register a complaint.

Also, my indoor cat’s developed kidney stones twice in the past 6 months and I’m wondering if you’ve had any problems with your pets. Until October, she was in perfect health and now I’m mopping up bloody drops of urine in our bathtub. The vet said it could be atmospheric (This is really disturbing, thoughts anyone? — Ed. Note) and I’m more than willing to believe it has something to do with all of this stuff going on in the neighborhood.

Happy thumping.

I’m going to be a bit presumptuous here and assume that Karolyn woke up (again) today with Miss Heather on her mind. At 7:20 a.m. to be exact, as that is when they decided to fire up the pile driver this morning. I feel like Charleton Heston’s character in the movie Ben Hur as I write this tome. You know, the scene where he (Ben Hur) is in steerage rowing the boat while some shirtless dude beats a drum.

What’s that I hear? Ohhhh, it is the sound of Magic telling me to speed it up. Gotta run now! Ramming speed, everybody!

Miss Heather


One Comment on Interesting Email

  1. jukeboxgraduate on Wed, 2nd May 2007 9:23 pm
  2. For what it’s worth, after the fire, my cat had watery eyes for weeks. I resorted to eye drops and gentle cleaning. His fur was fine, no residue, I worried and wiped him down with a washcloth to check – but I then worried he’d just cleaned it off himself… which may be what happened with the pet above. Who knows what the new construction releases – asbestos and lead paint to be sure, but all the years of sitting in Greenpoint means these buildings absorbed heaven knows what and when you tear it down, that’s what gets released.

    great, more stuff to work about.

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