
November 6, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

I am certain a number of you have seen these videos by now. I would strongly advise those of you who have witnessed acts of excessive force by New York’s Finest on Bedford Avenue Tuesday night to attend their next monthly community meeting and share your experiences with the 94th Precinct’s C.O. Fulton. Here are the deets:

N.Y.P.D. Monthly Community Meeting For November
November 17, 2008, 7:30 p.m. (they’re held the third Monday of every month)
Capital One Bank (better known as the Greenpoint Savings Bank)
807 Manhattan Avenue (be sure to use the side entrance on Calyer)
Brooklyn, New York 11222

In addition, any of you who got badge numbers can also file a complaint at the Civil Complaint Review Board.

Miss Heather


8 Comments on Inexcusable

  1. jake_tuff on Thu, 6th Nov 2008 4:19 pm
  2. Inexcusable? Put some things into perspective here. There’s a guy during a tense situation getting in a cops face after repeatedly being told to stop, so the cop shoved him. More violence occurs when people are trying to get off the subway in the morning. The Abner Louima case was inexcusable, this is nothing.

  3. missheather on Thu, 6th Nov 2008 5:50 pm
  4. You are entitled to your opinion Jake. Personally I find both scenarios unacceptable. You do not strike unarmed civilians. PERIOD.

  5. Roked on Thu, 6th Nov 2008 8:16 pm
  6. Ok, the cop smacking the phone out of the kids hand, thats out of line, but besides that I don’t see anything wrong except for a bunch of kids blocking traffic and provoking cops with their cameras so they can go cry about it on the internet later.

  7. the scowl » Blog Archive » 11.06.08 on Fri, 7th Nov 2008 12:18 am
  8. […] I’ve been meaning to post something here about the post-election arrests, which included a friend of mine, in northern Brooklyn since yesterday, but haven’t really been sure of what to say. Gothamist’s coverage has been solid, and their update on it today is well worth a read. (Also worth reading on the subject: New York Shitty.) […]

  9. missheather on Fri, 7th Nov 2008 5:26 am
  10. Roked wrote: …but besides that I don’t see anything wrong except for a bunch of kids blocking traffic and provoking cops with their cameras so they can go cry about it on the internet later.

    The NYPD films us, why shouldn’t we film them? If they’re not doing anything wrong they shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Yes?

    Totalitarianism goes both ways.

  11. Roked on Fri, 7th Nov 2008 8:43 am
  12. Yes I know NYPD films us but come on, kids blocking traffic in the middle of the street?

  13. village_idiot on Fri, 7th Nov 2008 2:37 pm
  14. I like this guys comments on curbed.

    It WASN’T 3 or 4 a.m. guys. I was walking home through Williamsburg at 3 and it was cleared out. The cops made me walk over to Driggs, which pissed me off, but I figured it was because they needed to clean the area.

    Furthermore #20, are you suggesting the cops in Williamsburg started the problems? If so, why didn’t the cops anywhere else? They’re the same cops.

    I think the difference was the median age of the crowd. These were younger adults, kids in their 20s who aren’t native New Yorkers for the most part, who are probably used to baseball riots and football celebrations [I’m thinking of the Boston variety]. They thought of this election as a chance to party, get drunk, and celebrate “victory,” as if anything supported by more than half the people could wind up a good thing [if anything near a majority of people think something is correct, it probably isn’t … i.e., the two-party mess we STILL have in this country, but aaaaanyway]. With that youthful exuberance comes the rowdy, anti-authoritarian behavior. The cops, who are used to dealing with, yes, criminals, only know social interaction in very limited terms, especially in crowd situations. That only makes easily irritated non-conformists more “in your face” about their presumed rights and well-being. Police then get more indignant, feeling disrespected in a situation where they’re specifically trying to preserve public safety.

    In short, I’m sure the police escalated it, but the childish behavior of naive 20-somethings [who think they get the world at large, but have still learned their social behaviors from the very dominant culture they disparage] probably instigated the incident.

  15. FutureMan on Fri, 7th Nov 2008 4:27 pm
  16. If you’re not obeying, but say “I’m obeying!”… you’re still not obeying.

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