Smells like Greenpoint Spirit!

June 14, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Smells like Greenpoint

Yesterday I received an email whose subject line read:

Holy fuck it smells like hot ass in here, ugh!

The author (whose name is Andrew) goes on to write:

That subject is a quote from my lovely girlfriend this morning. The hot ass she spoke of was not the sexy kind, but the “5 tons of processed shit wafting through our bedroom window” kind. I’ve lived in Greenpoint for 8 years and experienced my fair share of Greenpoint Smell Days, but this is by far the stank-nastiest year I’ve ever experienced. Is it just me or has it gotten much worse than usual lately?

If it keeps up like this all summer I will seriously consider moving into the McGolrick Park bathroom, which probably smells better than my apartment.

Enough ranting, I know you have a lot of GP readers so I was wondering if you would be kind enough to remind them of this little snippet from the Greenpoint Waterfront Association site:


Call 311 if you smell that ol’ Greenpoint smell of the sewage treatment plant…call 311 if your local park has broken glass or worse(!) in it… Be sure to get a COMPLAINT # and email it to We’ll keep track of it and pester the local authorities. But we need you to CALL.

I want to thank Andrew for reminding me to bring our neighborhood’s increased ripeness to light. Not only did a number of people attending Forgotten-NY‘s recent tour of Greenpoint notice a strange odor, but earlier this week I was on McGuinness Boulevard and found myself gasping for air. I’m not going to bullshit you: McGuinness Boulevard does not exactly smell like a rose. But this malodorous perfume was different than the usual cocktail of auto exhaust with just a hint of stale piss. If I had to liken this special smell something, it would that of rotting fish drenched in stale piss.

Speaking as someone who has lived here almost as long as Andrew, I agree with him. This year thus far is proving to be one of the worst odor-wise that I have ever experienced. One can only imagine what July or August is going to be like. Yikes.

Seriously folks, if you smell something, say something. It’s time that our state and municipal government learn that we are tired of getting the shit-end of the stick. If this problem was on the Upper East Side (whose garbage Greenpoint has the honor of handling) or in brownstone Brooklyn, I assure you it would be addressed post haste. Why should it be any different here?

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Smells like Greenpoint Spirit!

  1. Rebecca11222 on Thu, 14th Jun 2007 10:20 am
  2. “Welcome to New York. What’s that smell? FREEDOM.” -Jon Stewart (who doesn’t live near a waste treatment plant)

  3. dupreciate on Thu, 14th Jun 2007 10:32 am
  4. We use 2 fans to cool our apartment: one intake, and one exhaust. After a few hours your nose adjusts to the glorious smell of humid poop.

  5. deadzebra on Thu, 14th Jun 2007 2:45 pm
  6. I called 311 and filed a report about the plant today, a short while later they sent 2 EPA guys to take air samples and chat with me which was pretty cool of them.

    Unfortunately by the time the EPA guys came out the smell was gone. Of course now it is back in full force.

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