Citypoint Photos Du Jour: From Newtown Creek With Love

February 7, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Newtown Creek 



From north Brooklyn’s (or southwestern Queens’s) Seine.

When I look westward to Manhattan I do not see a pretty skyline. Rather, I envision an infinite number of bowel movements, vomit and detritus that will soon find their way two blocks from my home.

Stand up and be counted, Greenpoint, for the shit you are about to receive!

Nobel prize winners, diplomats— PRESIDENTS— and Joey Arak* have graced my neighborhood with the by-products of their respective genius. Maybe I’ll pick up a fraction of their gifts via schnozmosis? I can only hope so. It’s been especially stanktastic of late.

The bigger the stench = the bigger the brain?

Miss Heather

*This is not necessarily sarcasm.


One Comment on Citypoint Photos Du Jour: From Newtown Creek With Love

  1. mr. belvedere on Sun, 8th Feb 2009 12:33 am
  2. i was walking over this bridge the other day and a pair of mute swans were swimming up the creek. it was pretty cool but also kind of sad considering the pollution. they looked healthy though..

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