The Pay Phones of Greenpoint

August 30, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Yesterday I found an injured pay phone that stand head(less) and shoulders above its peers.

Nassau Avenue Pay Phone

The duct tape is a nice touch. Given the propensity most people have for talking at each other nowadays, this device may very well be cutting edge technology. It is certainly a must-have for CB enthusiasts. 10-4.

Another pay phone I found of interest is located on McGuinness Boulevard.

McGuinness Boulevard Pay Phone

Gravity isn’t what’s keeping that Dunkin Donuts napkin on the receiver. It’s adhered to it.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on The Pay Phones of Greenpoint

  1. westernqueensland on Thu, 30th Aug 2007 8:20 am
  2. brilliant photos. I especially love the duct tape monologue machine, thought the hopeful note is nice.

  3. annulla on Thu, 30th Aug 2007 3:29 pm
  4. The napkin stuck to the phone? Oh, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck. Bleech.

    My mind is filled with images of what MIGHT be causing the napkin to stick, and none of them are pleasant.

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