The Tree Pits of 100 Freeman Street

September 1, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Ticket, 100 Freeman Street

Earlier this week I found the above citation taped to the front door of 100 Freeman Street. As you can clearly read, a “large accumulation” of garbage was found by the Environmental Control Board and the owner of said property (presumably the American Package Company) was fined accordingly. Or were they?

Since our duly diligent public servants did not specify which tree pit was surrounded by refuse I took pictures of all seven of them. Here they are.

Tree Pit #1

First Tree Pit

Tree Pit #2

Second Tree Pit

Tree Pit #3

Third Tree Pit

Um, here are a few bicycles.

Tree Pit #4

Fourth Tree Pit

Anyone out there finding any bottle(s), cigarette pack, newspaper(s), etc? If so, you’re probably eagle-eyed enough to work for the E.C.B. All I have seen thus far is a bunch of overgrown weeds and some bikes.

Tree Pit #5

Fifth Tree Pit

Still no refuse.

Tree Pit #6

Sixth Tree Pit

A couple more bikes.

Tree Pit #7

Seventh Tree Pit

While I personally find chaining a bike to a tree like this to be obnoxious, let’s stick to the topic at hand: I am still not finding any of the “various debris” cited in the above ticket. In fact, this is probably the cleanest I have ever seen this stretch of sidewalk. It is usually slathered in dog shit.

This of course begs the question as to what the E.C.B. is doing. Or not doing. I think I speak for a number of the people in the Garden Spot when I say a crackdown on illegal and/or after-hours construction would be greatly appreciated. Magic Johnson’s crew over at 110 Green Street were jack-hammering away well past 6:30 p.m. last Tuesday. The noise was quite annoying. Much more so than a few bottle(s), cigarette pack, newspaper(s) and other assorted refuse scattered on a sidewalk.

Priorities, anyone?

Miss Heather


3 Comments on The Tree Pits of 100 Freeman Street

  1. jukeboxgraduate on Sat, 1st Sep 2007 8:09 am
  2. This is so fucked up I don’t even know where to start.

    The tree pits on Banker St., between Meserole and Calyer, are constantly full of trash BECAUSE OF THE CLUB AT 259 BANKER. Whether it was the Polish dance club or Studio B, they were always full of empty liquor bottles and cigarette packs, and that’s not coming from people just walking by, or workers at the factories and other industries (especially not on Saturday or Sunday morning). There are two very nice trees right near the corner of Calyer on my landlady’s property, and they fenced their trees in with railings they put up themselves (a good thing, since some thing or some one took down a tree right in front of Studio B – I’m writing about it later this weekend).

    It kills me, though, that if they were going to ticket, they’d be ticketing my landlady, who has nothing to do with the accumulation of trash.

    And they never, ever fine Studio B, even back when they weren’t cleaning up the crap in front of the club.

    They’re just such incredibly bad neighbors it makes me crazy.

  3. missheather on Sat, 1st Sep 2007 1:07 pm
  4. In principle, it is not unlike how a landlord can be served a vacate notice when a developer undermines his (or her) property. Why should the victim be the one who is impacted financially?

    It makes one wonder, doesn’t it? I for one cannot help but suspect that these agencies go after the small-time offenders/pissants because they are the least likely to put up a fight. It’s quick and easy way to generate revenue. Just ask the IRS.

  5. darcy on Mon, 3rd Sep 2007 9:19 pm
  6. The day it was actually issued I feel it was actually really dirty. I feel like it’s a little cleaner than it has been outside.

    I have my own qualms about our landlord in regards to things like not having the super keep the sidewalk outside tidy and in the winter they NEVER shovel our side of the building when the sidewalk ices over.. and not to mention a very questionable bill for an electrician for “bad wiring” when we weren’t the ones that did the wiring and were without electricity for a full week.

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