Greenpoint is the Bomb!

September 29, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

What a week! First I was on the Leonard Lopate Show. Then it was Poles without pants. After that I discovered the CRACK PROS. And last— but not least, I finally got a photo of Greenpoint’s very own Jeep-riding Doginator. How can I possibly keep up this kind of momentum? Well, after several long thankless hours I found a tale from Greenpoint’s past that is in keeping with this especially magical week here in the Garden Spot.

500 Pound Bomb

See the big thing those police officers are attempting to move? That’s a 500 pound World War II bomb. Where was this bomb located? Under the Pulaski Bridge. Why was it there ? Because Greenpoint is a very special place. From the December 4, 1969 edition of the New York Times, I present to you a cautionary tale of what happens what Greenpointers will do with a couple of (yes, TWO) bombs. Enjoy!


“There used to be another bomb”, he added, “but a man took it and put it in front of his house.”

The above statement is why they’ll have to drag me out of this neighborhood kicking and screaming. God I love Greenpoint!

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Greenpoint is the Bomb!

  1. rheingold on Sun, 30th Sep 2007 3:52 pm
  2. How times have changed. Now if a kid plays with a 500-lb WWII bomb his parents would make him wear a helmet.

  3. missheather on Sun, 30th Sep 2007 3:59 pm
  4. Correction: his NANNIE would make him wear a helmet.

    I want one of these bad boys for my front yard. I do not have a front yard, but that is immaterial. Give it a nice paint job, flank it with a couple garden gnomes or toilets (employed as planters) and there have you. Greenpoint at its very Greenpointiest. Betcha no one in Park Slope has (or had) a bomb in their front yard. Wimps.

  5. nick on Mon, 1st Oct 2007 8:49 am
  6. park slope had a freakin plane land on it.

    old bombs are for pussys

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