Hey Everybody, The Mayor’s Coming!

October 1, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

It has come to my attention via the fabulous Brooklyn11211 that hizzoner is coming to the Garden Spot this week! He writes:

This is a once-in-an-administration opportunity for the community to get its key issues in front of the Mayor, and to put some Commissioners (ahem, DOB) on the spot in front of their boss. If the past is any guide, though, the Mayor will be presented with a huge laundry list of issues, some of which he won’t even have control over, some of which can only be answered in platitudes… What we need is a list of 5 to 7 key areas that can be pounded over and over again (my vote: construction, affordable housing, parks, environment, contextual zoning, landmarks and transportation).

This is an excellent idea which merits following through. Speaking for myself, I have much material to choose from construction-wise. The above cement truck FALLING on a house while violating a stop work order last week is my current favorite. It takes a special kind of imbecile to pull that off.

Seriously folks, this is the time to let our mayor know we are fed up with the developers’ total and utter disregard for our personal safety and quiet enjoyment of our homes. We live here. We have rights.

I repeat, A TRUCK FALLING ON A HOUSE! This is beyond ridiculous. Greenpoint is a neighborhood, not The Wizard of Fucking Oz.

Where: Polonaise Terrace, 150 Greenpoint Avenue

When: Thursday 4 October 2007. 7 pm.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Hey Everybody, The Mayor’s Coming!

  1. mr. belvedere on Mon, 1st Oct 2007 9:48 pm
  2. im sure bloomberg will get right on top of that shit…

  3. terriblist on Thu, 4th Oct 2007 5:25 pm
  4. heather, i just found your blog the other day in a google attempt to figure out what the hell kind of armageddon is happening during daylight hours here on huron. anyway i attended the chat at the polonaise and it was the most smooth-moving municipal event i’ve ever attended. maybe the mayor’s got such a command of process that makes it seems like positive things are happening or going to happen, but again, I was impressed. he even promised to personally intervene for a woman who was forced out of her house because the contractor building nextdoor had destroyed her foundation. (she claimed that contractor then tried to buy out her property!) one thing that was not addressed was the lack of enforcement of building codes or stop-work orders, etc. it seemed like north bklyn dev corp and community board 1 asked all the questions – wonder how that slipped through the cracks? possibly these entities felt there were bigger fish to fry, such as displacement of seniors. anyway, my take.

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