Bicycle Brouhaha Brewing on India Street

October 2, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I have long suspected that someone is in the business of stealing bikes and reselling them in Greenpoint but never had any proof to back it up. That is, until I discovered the below bike on India Street.

Stolen Bike

I happened across this bike September 26th while walking home. Noticing that a note had been affixed to the seat, I went in for a closer look.

This is my bike

The former owner of this “hot” bike, being the duly diligent person he (or she) is, even included an angry missive en Espanol.

En Espanol

Unfortunately it does not appear to have worked. As I learned when I walked by this bike again this four days later.

Follow-up sign

Mark my words folks: this is gonna get very ugly muy feo.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Bicycle Brouhaha Brewing on India Street

  1. Steve of Astoria on Tue, 2nd Oct 2007 8:19 pm
  2. Tip (for next time) — mark the bikes and take picture evidence in a somewhat hidden location. You have to make it difficult for them to mark. Two years ago a drunkard neighbor tried stealing my bike. I held him till the cops came but he was let loose the next day. I was never reimbursed and in retrospect I should’ve just taken out my own brand of justice on him. Good Luck to the victim.

  3. Rebecca11222 on Thu, 4th Oct 2007 4:02 pm
  4. Mr. Rebecca11222 has had 2 bikes stolen in that area of Greenpoint. He now uses a lock the size of Denver.

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