The Greenpoint 10

October 11, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

It has recently come to my attention that Only The Blog Knows Brooklyn is soliciting suggestions for this year’s Park Slope 100. I mentioned this to my husband over dinner last weekend. As soon as the words left my lips we both shouted in unison:

Greenpoint should have something like this!

Now, thanks to more than a little inspiration from OTBKB, it does. With a few significant modifications, mind you. Here they are:

  1. Unlike my compatriot to the south, I am not taking nominations. New York Shitty is not a democracy. It has been my experience that one of the biggest problems with any democratic process is the opinion of an idiot and that of normal person are given equal weight. Those of you who may be wondering what the end result of this practice is need only look at who inhabits the White House nowadays. Yeah, (c)HIM(p).
  2. Since I am going it alone, my list will contain only ten people. No neighborhood has 100 people worth the use of bandwidth anyway. Sorry.
  3. Criteria: None, really. Just people (and perhaps a thing or two) that make Greenpoint, well, Greenpoint.
  4. Because it struck me as being a sterling idea, each installment of the Greenpoint Ten will feature a special motivational poster to uplift your spirits. But enough bullshit, let’s get down to business!

Numbers 9 and 10:

If I had to pick one location to describe Greenpoint, it would be the intersection Manhattan and Greenpoint Avenue. This is the very soul of the Garden Spot. It also happens to be where a number of intoxicated homeless people spend a great deal of time.

Greenpoint Avenue 8/13/07

But let us not view the glass as being half empty. Most of you looking at the above photo probably just see two bums passed out on discarded furniture. I, on the other hand, see ACCOMPLISHMENT!

Those sofas didn’t just walk to Greenpoint Avenue, you know. These men worked as a team and overcame a number of obstacles (among them being drunk as hell) to actualize their placement there. I for one find it inspiring to see these men enjoying the fruits of their hard liquor, hard labor and —dare I say itTEAMWORK.


Greenpoint Success.

Congratulations guys, you’ve made it to the Greenpoint Ten! Mazel Tov.

Stay tuned: Next Thursday I will unveil #8!

Miss Heather


2 Comments on The Greenpoint 10

  1. rowan on Thu, 11th Oct 2007 8:35 am
  2. Ha! I love it.

  3. Rebecca11222 on Thu, 11th Oct 2007 8:52 am
  4. This needs to be sold online.


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