Give Us A Movie House

October 23, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

No More Banks

I took the above picture just over a year ago. Not only was I amused by what this person wrote, I agreed: Greenpoint does not need any more banks and yes, a movie theater would be an excellent addition to the neighborhood. What did we end up getting when all was said and done? Another god damned bank.

My sole consolation is the Bank of America (the site where the above photo was taken) and Citibank seem to be pretty popular places for the local homeless population to conduct their business— and by “business” I mean going to the bathroom and having sex. I would love to see the surveillance camera footage from these establishments. I bet it is hilarious, but I digress.

The perverse irony is Greenpoint once had six movies theaters. Yes, six. Here they are were in order from south to north.

  1. Nassau Theatre (now The Princess Manor)
    88 Nassau Avenue
  2. Winthrop Theater (demolished)
    135 Driggs Avenue
  3. Meserole Theatre (now Eckerd’s, I think Rite Aid)
    723 Manhattan Avenue
  4. RKO Greenpoint (demolished)
    825 Manhattan Avenue
  5. American Theater (then Chopin Theater, now Starbucks)
    910 Manhattan Avenue
  6. Midway Theater (demolished)
    1059 Manhattan Avenue

The following story from the December 10, 1929 edition of the New York Times is about one of these establishments: the long gone RKO Greenpoint. Enjoy!

December 12, 1929 NYTimes

The above tale gives us a(nother) splendid reason for wanting a movie theater: they prevent crime. I see a letter campaign to the mayor coming around the corner folks!

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Give Us A Movie House

  1. Tony From Kent Street on Tue, 23rd Oct 2007 7:51 am
  2. There was gossip when Burger King disappeared (910 Manhtn Ave) that it would make a comeback as a movie theater. People also left signs begging for it. The idea sounded very exciting. But Starbucks came in a swooped it. How sad. I would love a movie theater so much. And not an tiny, indie one like the one opening soon in the burg. The funny thing is that the mainly Polish peeps of the Point, have embraced the new Starbucks more than they would a movie theater.

  3. greenpointers on Tue, 23rd Oct 2007 9:33 am
  4. The only one I remember first hand is the Chopin (Starbucks). I remember seeing Cinderella there as a kid. Winthrop was where Met Foods is I think and also supposedly that’s why most of us call McGolrick Park, Withrop Park (or rather mispronounce it Win-throw). I’m not sure if the park was actually ever officially named Withrop or not.

  5. missheather on Tue, 23rd Oct 2007 1:19 pm
  6. Tony: I agree with you. A good ol’ fashioned movie theater serving up fun, mindless entertainment to the masses would be a boon to this community. Not everyone here digs art theater… and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

    The fact of the matter is this neighborhood’s “development” is NOT in step with the needs/desires of the people who live here. How else can you explain why there are no banks north of Greenpoint Avenue? They are all crammed into a small corridor in the “white area” (to the south). I assure you, this is not by accident.

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