Halloween Decorations du Jour: Holy Shit on Humboldt Street

October 31, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Earlier this week I received an email tip from a newbie New York Shitty reader named Ben. He wrote:

Hi Miss Heather —

I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago, and I really enjoy it (I’m a Greenpoint resident myself, formerly Diamond Street, currently Jewel).

Apologies if you’ve covered this already and I’ve somehow missed it, but there are absolutely phenomenal Halloween decorations at 652 Humboldt — a massive top-to-bottom display of all kinds of crazy stuff. I’m sure some pictures of it would look great on the blog…


Well, I walked down there yesterday to check it out. I forgot the exact address, but then again I didn’t really need it. Even at a distance it was pretty obvious which house he was talking about.

The Welcoming Committee

I have said time and time again that Greenpoint is the coolest fucking place in the universe. And I every time I have said this I have meant it. The disbelievers among you who wonder why anyone would feel this way about the Garden Spot need only behold the following photograph. It pretty much says it all.

Hurling on Humboldt

These folks managed to outfit this most unhappy chap with a pump so he vomits a continuous stream of blood into a barrel. Could you imagine what would happen if someone installed such a thing in Park Slope? There’d be a fucking riot, that’s what!

Navy Seals would have to be brought in to extract all wadded up panties out of the sanctimonious ass cracks of stroller moms block by block. It would be chaos. Total and utter chaos. Sort of like Compton —except with a lot of rich white people brandishing attorneys instead of Uzis.

Haunted House on Humboldt

Yes, there really is a house underneath all this stuff. I can honestly say this is the most mind-blowing Halloween display I have ever seen. It literally left me speechless.

The previous photographs do not do this masterpiece justice. Those of you who have the means really should check this out in person. It is unbeFUCKINGlievable. Or, you can click here and check out my Flickr photo set. Take my word for it: it’ll be the coolest waste of your employer’s time you’re going to find on the Internets today.

Happy Halloween!

Miss Heather


7 Comments on Halloween Decorations du Jour: Holy Shit on Humboldt Street

  1. greenpointers on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 7:08 am
  2. Ha! Great minds think alike, I just posted about this house myself! It’s pretty cool, huh?

  3. ickyinbrooklyn on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 7:27 am
  4. WOW! This is freaking great! (I like to believe the puking guy is an homage to the puking guy at Coney Island.) It’s so cool that these folks go to this trouble for fun, and for the enjoyment of the day. Bloody, gross, cool, and awesome!

  5. missheather on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 7:58 am
  6. It’s something, isn’t it? Be sure to check out the puking pumpkin over at Gowanus Lounge.


  7. elmire on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 8:21 am
  8. Oh, jesuschrist… the thought of this appearing in Park Slope and the chaos that would follow literally made me snort out loud.

  9. Tony From Kent Street on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 8:59 am
  10. Beautiful! This house has been a tradition for a while. Go Go Greenpoint.

  11. mister prc on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 10:43 am
  12. I live a block away from this one. It’s something to see, and the pictures don’t give you the true feel. If you’re out and about Halloween night, walk down between Nassau Avenue and Driggs Avenue on Humboldt St. You won’t be disappointed!!! You can look at all these pictures, think you know it, but still will be saying, “I don’t believe it!!” when you see it for real.

  13. al oof on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 3:56 pm
  14. i live near there too. it’s the only thing i make sure to see each halloween.

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