A Word of Advice To Greenpoint Bike Owners

November 6, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

You might want to watch where you park on Greenpoint Avenue or you might discover that your two wheeler has been converted into a NO wheeler. Missy, a long-time New York Shitty reader and first time tipster writes:

Noticed this endangered bike on Greenpoint in front of The Black Rabbit and thought of your blog… The bike’s gonna get it if we don’t act fast!

Draft two

While grammatically flawed, the point attempting to be made in the above missive remains pretty clear: remove your bike or it will be removed. Piece by piece. On that note, any bicycle enthusiasts who might be reading this should probably refrain from chaining your bikes to this tree on Calyer Street as well.

Calyer Street Sign

Hey, at least they said thank you.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on A Word of Advice To Greenpoint Bike Owners

  1. al oof on Tue, 6th Nov 2007 5:19 pm
  2. the city really needs to put up more legal bike parking.

  3. calyercooze on Fri, 9th Nov 2007 10:11 am
  4. I live on Calyer in those houses with all the hostile bike signs outside. And i think it’s my fault there are so many – I posted a small, polite one, as I was trying to grow vines on the fence, and all the kids next door kept ripping them up by locking their bike there. Then my neighbors really RAN with the ball, and suddenly put up like, 10 of them. Cripes. Calm down. Gave ’em something to crusade against, I suppose.

  5. Spanky on Fri, 9th Nov 2007 11:53 am
  6. I say go ahead and chain you bike to that tree and wait around with video camera in hand. I’d love to see this on YouTube!

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