The Karate Krishna

November 6, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

The following are three phrases I use with unusual frequency in Greenpoint:

  1. What the fuck?
  2. Oh my.
  3. Who the hell did this?

Yesterday I asked myself the above two questions, dear readers. What’s more, they were both answered in the course of a mere thirty minutes. It all started with the following objet de arte on Norman Avenue.

Cart Thing

What the fuck?

At 2:30 p.m. I found this tricked-out five wheeler tethered to a steel gate which graces one of Greenpoint’s more interesting edifices: 177 1/2 Norman Avenue.

God Bless Our Troops

Oh my.

Obviously the owner of the aforementioned cart (and presumably the decorator of the above window) likes:

  1. America
  2. George W. Bush
  3. Karate
  4. Running

Karate House

Especially America and Karate.

Who the hell did this?

I have asked myself the above question many times as I have gazed upon the this building. And on November 5, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. I finally received an answer.

Karate Krishna

The kind of guy who totes his painfully adorable children in a customized kiddie coach while beating a star-shaped tambourine at the intersection of Manhattan Avenue and Norman, that’s who.

Oh my.

Miss Heather


7 Comments on The Karate Krishna

  1. elmire on Tue, 6th Nov 2007 7:15 am
  2. On Sunday, I just happened to be watching the marathon runners here in Greenpoint at the exact moment when this guy ran by. The crowd went wild. I used to live behind/kitty corner from him on Jewel street. Every weekend morning he listens to traditonal Chinese music and does a “routine” in the backyard which can be described as looking somewhat like Thai Chi. Cool or crazy… you decide!

  3. mr. belvedere on Tue, 6th Nov 2007 7:47 am
  4. i know this guy a little bit and hes actually pretty cool but could also collapse your trachea if so inclined…

  5. missheather on Tue, 6th Nov 2007 9:15 am
  6. I think this guy is quite cool (save the G.W. Bush stuff). Only a real man would so do something like this. On that note, I can easily envision this guy breaking someone’s trachea if he felt so inclined.

  7. gtrainhypeman on Tue, 6th Nov 2007 1:26 pm
  8. My girlfriend and I have seen this guy a lot. He’s given pretty vicious staredowns to her (apparently the chinese/white couple isn’t as prevalent in the GP as it is everywhere else in NY), and the transporting of the young children thing is just strange. We just assumed he was a localized freak.

    However, we were watching the marathon in Harlem and when he went by, everyone we were with got all excited and said “thats the famous guy who is in a bunch of running magazines” – Apparently this local freak is a regional celebrity.

  9. missheather on Tue, 6th Nov 2007 1:42 pm
  10. gtrainhypeman: Very interesting, although I take issue with calling him a freak.

    Let’s face facts: Greenpoint is populated by people better-heeled neighborhoods would call “freaks”. We are a community of individuals who don’t give a damn what other people think and I think that’s quite cool. Such people make Greenpoint, well, Greenpoint.

    On the one hand, it sucks that this guy gives your girlfriend the hairy eyeball. On the other, I am certain he has gotten his fair share of dirty looks as well. Let’s just say the local Polish population is not the most racially tolerant group of people I have encountered.

    That said, I see a lot of “mixed” couples in my corner of Greenpoint. This is a very recent development and I hope we continue to see more diversity here (it’s the only positive thing I see coming out of all the hype Greenpoint is getting nowadays).

    Speaking for myself, I don’t concern myself with other people(s’ lifestyles, race or creed). Unless they’re assholes (I care not for them). And my 30-odd years of living in this mortal coil has taught me that assholes come in all shapes, colors and stripes. 😉

    Thanks for commenting!

  11. gtrainhypeman on Tue, 6th Nov 2007 2:09 pm
  12. i usually use freak in a positive context, but i see how it came off negative… probably best to just replace “freak” with “strange person that disturbs me”.

    hmmm. that might be worse.

  13. missheather on Tue, 6th Nov 2007 2:15 pm
  14. Understood. I say we direct the phrase “strange person that disturbs me” to the peeps who ride the F train, if you know what I mean. 😉

    If I was placed in a room and had to choose between interfacing with a self-righteous stroller mom or Darth Vader, I’d pick the latter. The Lord of Sith strikes me as being a lot more reasonable.

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