‘Tis The Season, Part II: Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite!

December 6, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

74 India Street, 12/5/07 8:15 p.m.

As promised, here is the shocking conclusion of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle article entitled Problem of City Living which dates 121 years to the day before the above photograph was taken: December 5, 1886. Those of you who have the dubious honor of living (or having lived) in this building will probably find the following description of the Astral hard to swallow. This beautiful building was a very nice place once. Read on and see for yourself.

12/5/1886 Brooklyn Daily Eagle

…the Astral Apartments is the most perfect type of an apartment house in the world.

Not anymore. That “playground” where children once played has become a dog shit smeared den of inequity for the Superintendent and his harem. So much for those “ample sanitary requirements” as well: mold growing on ceilings and an unabated bedbug infestation are two of the least sanitary things I can think of. Then again, could I honestly expect anything different from the fine minds who brought us this?


I rest my case.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Any Williamsburgers out there who feel left out, don’t despair. It has come to my attention recently that you have plenty of these little critters too!


2 Comments on ‘Tis The Season, Part II: Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite!

  1. random on Wed, 12th Dec 2007 6:38 am
  2. Ahh, here we go again. Yes, we know the Astral has its share of problems. It’s an old building falling apart with bed bugs, blah blah. However, it has its redeeming qualities. It feeds your obsession of taking pictures of mattresses, thus contributing to the strangeness of Greenpoint. But dare I say the filth for sale at The Thing is a breeding ground for bed bugs? Could it be that you’re not helping the problem, but contributing to it?

  3. missheather on Wed, 12th Dec 2007 8:51 am
  4. While you are entitled to your opinion, I fail to see why shedding light on how poorly maintained this building is “contributes” to the problem. The way I see it, Pistilli Realty “manages” this building is the problem.

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