Great Moments in Greenpoint Siding, Vol XII: Meserole Avenue

December 14, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Meserole Avenue Siding

Inasmuch as it pains me to say it, the aluminum siding and Fedders box somehow “work” with this holiday decorating scheme.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Great Moments in Greenpoint Siding, Vol XII: Meserole Avenue

  1. suzyO on Fri, 14th Dec 2007 9:15 pm
  2. that is pretty darn cheery. considering. BTW, FYI, miss heather, i live directly across the street from a … i can’t remember right now. a bellevue?

  3. suzyO on Fri, 14th Dec 2007 9:23 pm
  4. wait … a bellingham? oh, oh, oh! it’s a … o shit, i had it. it’s a … um … a BELVEDERE! it has columns and balconies. it’s very official looking – like, nobody’s going to swipe the fat blue-bagged sunday NYT from THAT entrance on a saturday night. plus, people move in an out of there like wandering tribes of the yemenite. except they’re very white and when they move they throw out books on finance. and couches from design within in reach. and beer hats. during their reign, however, they spend a lot of time on the “balcony” looking down on the long-time residents of the pernt. their snickers follow the soft footsteps of the locals like the scent of dogshit wafts on the air.

    and, then, life goes on. ’til the next ones move in.

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