A Greenpoint Moment: Newel Street

January 21, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Be advised that the buzzards are not working at 115 Newel Street today. Perhaps they have Martin Luther King Day off?

Newel Street

The same cannot be said for the lions, horse heads and eagle* which grace this property: they are faithfully at work making this building look like ass.

Miss Heather

*Or is this a chicken? It is sort of hard to tell.


5 Comments on A Greenpoint Moment: Newel Street

  1. al oof on Mon, 21st Jan 2008 12:47 pm
  2. i love those buildings.

    when i lived in manhattan, our superintendents name was Hans Schmuck*, and he had an assistant, whose name i don’t think i ever knew. but the assistant, he was always coming by to see if our ‘buzzards’ were working (because, of course, they never were). we thought it was just a pronunciation thing (english wasn’t his first language), but then a sign showed up on the front of the building that said “buzzards do not work”. so, instead of thinking, hey, this is probably a common misunderstanding, i’m going to assume that guy lives there.

  3. bitchcakes on Mon, 21st Jan 2008 1:34 pm
  4. Buzzards?! That’s priceless! The whole look of this place reminds me of the semi attached houses on Leonard between Greenpoint and Calyer with the insanely oppressive looking shiny bars and gates – it is truly frightening and gaudy all at the same time. I highly recommend you swing past. You’ll know it when you see it…

  5. bitchcakes on Mon, 21st Jan 2008 4:33 pm
  6. I just passed the building on Leonard that I referred to and it’s nearly identical- the bricks, the gates, even the lions and horse heads! (but no eagles). It’s so garish and oppressive. You really must go see it. I wonder if the occupants are related, or if it’s the same landlord or property owner.

  7. missheather on Mon, 21st Jan 2008 5:28 pm
  8. Trust me, “Bitchcakes” I have seen the building in question many, many times. In fact YEARS ago I looked at an apartment in one of these turds. They were asking $1,100 month for (maybe) 200 square feet of space. This was in 2000. Yeah, right.

  9. purewonka on Wed, 30th Jan 2008 11:16 pm
  10. That’s not 115 Newel. It’s 115 Diamond.

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