Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

January 31, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Yesterday Pardon Me For Asking had a rather neat post about spotting a “see-through” truck in Greenpoint. The title of this post was “See-Through Truck In Greenpoint. Explanation Please.” Although the mystery behind this machine has since been solved, I’d still like to tender my explanation:

It’s Greenpoint.

I am often asked why I choose to live in a neighborhood that sits atop 17-30 million gallon oil spill, sports no direct access to Manhattan and is home to the eastern seaboard’s largest sewage treatment plant. It is an understandable question to posit and I have often asked it of myself. Having had the time to think about it I can finally give an intelligent answer:

  1. Oil Spills, the Crosstown Local and the smell of sewage keep away a certain caliber of person I do not want to have as neighbors. If you are wondering precisely what “kind” of people I am talking about, board the Coney Island bound F train and exit at 7th Avenue.
  2. Entertainment.

Truth be told it is mostly point number two. I have lived in a number of places but none of them have made me mutter “What the fuck?” to myself as much as good old Greenpoint. Have you ever seen a piece of cauliflower suspended from a strangely Medieval-looking rack being transported on the flat bed of a truck? I didn’t think so. It may be stinky. It may at times be downright ugly, but this neighborhood continues to amaze and amuse me to this day. Which beings me to today’s Photo du Jour:

I’ll Be Back

The “See-Through truck” (as cool as it is) doesn’t hold a candle compared to this bad boy. This truck is so hardcore it eats Hondas (and Park Slopers) for dinner.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

  1. Pardon Me For Asking on Thu, 31st Jan 2008 6:48 am
  2. Hello Ms. Heather,
    I have to admit. You may have me beat in the weird truck category.
    That is quite a monster. Something out of ‘Where The Wild Things Are.”
    And yes, Greenpoint is cool. I loved my little visit into your territory last week-end.
    Ms. Pardon Me

  3. missheather on Thu, 31st Jan 2008 6:51 am
  4. Yup, it’s like something from Maximum Overdrive (a movie I happen to enjoy, btw). The reference to The Terminator (“I’ll be back”) is a nice touch.

    I really enjoyed your post(s) by the way.

  5. rowan on Thu, 31st Jan 2008 3:36 pm
  6. ohhh i want this truck. it is almost as bad-ass as the vintage black car that sometimes is in front of Tomcats Barber Shop.

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