Greenpoint To The D.E.P.: Clean Up Your Act!

February 21, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Yesterday after eating a minuscule grilled cheese sandwich (comprised of the remaining slivers of bread in our freezer) for breakfast I expressed to Mr. Heather the need for us to patronize the local grocery store. True to form, my simple request required some clarification:

What do we need?

He asked. Mister Heather asks a lot of questions. For this reason many (occasionally myself included) fancy him to be an asshole. This was one such occasion. After explaining to him at length what we required and pointing out the odd milk and orange juice run does not constitute grocery shopping I was met with this reply:

Oh, I thought you took care of that.

In Miss Heather’s life context pretty counts for everything. If I didn’t grade my existence on a bell curve I would have lost the will to live a long, LONG time ago. Taking the previous into account, let’s assess his statement:

  1. I had just eaten a pathetic excuse for breakfast because most of the foodstuffs in our refrigerator were rancid leftovers.
  2. “Take care of it”: I take care of a lot of things, but when I am hungry and our pantry is bare, I require a little assistance.

Long story made short, when we walked to the grocery store today I not only spied a car from the Department of Buildings parked on Manhattan Avenue (I know, I was as surprised as you) but also a motor vehicle from the Department of Environmental Protection in need of a good washing.

Clean me

You know we live in desperate times when the citizenry of Greenpoint has to tell the Department of Environmental Protection to clean up.


To use the oft-used refrain of a colleague of mine… Pardon me for asking, but why does the Department of Buildings have hybrid cars at their disposal while the D.E.P.’s vehicles run solely on gasoline?

Miss Heather


One Comment on Greenpoint To The D.E.P.: Clean Up Your Act!

  1. clevelandfrowns on Thu, 21st Feb 2008 12:49 pm
  2. Miss Heather, your blog is terrific. Maybe the DEP is concerned about conserving water, so waits for the rain to wash its vehicles. Just a thought.

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