Brooklyn Photos du Jour: Cucumbers

March 10, 2008 by
Filed under: Bed-Stuy, Greenpoint Magic 

Dear Ketel One Drinker

It would appear that my amigo down at Save Rite Wine and Liquor has found some new friends.

To Toilets

I wonder if he is any relation to this fella from the Myrtle Willoughby stop of the G?

Miss Heather


One Comment on Brooklyn Photos du Jour: Cucumbers

  1. bitchcakes on Mon, 10th Mar 2008 10:30 am
  2. Is that hand painted “To Toilets” sign a joke or is there an actual public toilet on one of the subway lines? I recently spotted what used to be the public women’s and men’s rooms at the Greenpoint stop- but now they appear to have been converted into something for official MTA use.

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