Au Revoir, Rat King

April 24, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that 79 Kingland Avenue (AKA: The home of the Garden Spot’s very own Rat King) has finally succumbed to condomania.

Kate writes:

On Monday or Tuesday the big tree in front got cut down and someone put a R.I.P. sign on the stump. And today, all the windows were boarded up and there is a wooden fence around the house. I have a picture from today. It might be too many pixels, plus the colors are a little weird. I can send if you want.

All the pigeons that used to sit in the tree don’t know what to do.

It will be interesting to see what happens next. Plans were filed with the Department of Buildings to construct a seven story residential apartment building on this site. They were disapproved.

I am going to miss that tree. It was one of the most beautiful and eccentric ones to be found in this neighborhood. That’s “progress” for you!

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Au Revoir, Rat King

  1. jayslack on Fri, 25th Apr 2008 2:19 pm
  2. Imagine my suprise, the creepiest house on the block. i would pass it twice daily at least and admire its ability to stand strong.

    and then the other day, something was off…the world was not right…i wasnt in fear of pigeon crap hitting me as i walked by. i was severely bummed to see it go.

  3. jayslack on Fri, 25th Apr 2008 2:21 pm
  4. OH. but the pigeons are holding on still. my walk to the train this morning showed me that.

  5. close observant on Sat, 2nd Aug 2008 6:09 pm
  6. The only thing that’s gone is the house.

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