TOMORROW: HPD Comes To Greenpoint!

May 5, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

For those of you who are not fluent in Polish, tomorrow evening HPD will be conducting a workshop about bedbugs at the Greenpoint Reformed Church. To R.S.V.P. for this event please call (212) 863-8830.

Be there or be square!

Miss Heather


2 Comments on TOMORROW: HPD Comes To Greenpoint!

  1. amandabee on Tue, 6th May 2008 8:12 am
  2. Wow. Secretly, I’ve always wanted to know what a bedbug looks like (errr, we have these ticklikethings that seem to crawl up through our drain and they scare me because I’m deathly afraid of the bed bug plague and I even tried to find pictures at one point, to no avail, though obviously I didn’t try just asking Lord Google because he’s full of photos. So I’m kind of dumb.)

    Anyhow. Congrats on getting your flyer translated into Polish. I should have reminded you to post this on the Gotham Gazette calendar!

  3. rowan on Tue, 6th May 2008 2:02 pm
  4. amandabee: do your ticklike things look like fat little brown beads with 8 legs? if so, they are most likely spider-beetles. i had the same concern, took one in to an exterminator’s office where they examined it under a microscope. the exterminator’s verdict is that they are relatively harmless unless you were plagued with an infestation. I prefer spiders over bedbugs!

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