More Fun With Max

May 13, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

You know, after spending so much time researching Max Stark’s holdings I almost feel like I know him. I was after all once a close neighbor of his delightful hotel. I can assure you, dear readers, it was an experience I will cherish for many years to come.

And on that note I have a very exciting piece of news to relay. Soon many more of my fellow Greenpointers will have the pleasure of calling Max a neighbor!

This is 239 Banker Street. It is located on the same block of Studio B. Neighborhood Threat (who took the above photograph) writes March 15, 2008:

construction shed but no posted permits. however, they now have a complaint for construction without a permit. but they do have one. remediation to comply with likely the dozen DOB complaints they already have. but these landlords are infamous for doing construction without permit and renting buildings with COA (see 467 Troutman St. – it’s the same people. they also have several buildings out at morgan as well as the rocket factory, which was their first.)

i am particularly interested in their plan to turn this building into a transient hotel, which was disapproved by the DOB in 2006. considering that they already own one, the good old greenpoint hotel.

While spot-on regarding the Rocket Factory and 467 Troutman Street, my buddy is dead wrong about the Department of Building’s kiboshing Max’s plans to convert this building into a hotel.

Plans to convert this building into (and I quote) “transient hotel” were green lighted by the Department of Buildings last week.

But don’t take my word for it. Click here and read for yourself!

Wow. First it was an illegal rooftop garden at Studio B and now there will be a hotel just down the block! Given how much value Mr. Stark’s other hotel has added to the Garden Spot, I can hardly wait to see how this, his latest venture into the hospitality industry, will pan out.

Those of you who find this development objectionable will be very interested to know tonight is the monthly meeting of Community Board 1. If you cannot attend (this is last minute after all) you can always send them a piece of snail mail at:

Community Board 1
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

P.S.: Big props go out to Neighborhood Threat for tipping me off to this. Thanks!


4 Comments on More Fun With Max

  1. digitalfront on Tue, 13th May 2008 8:23 am
  2. So is this going to be a bona fide hotel or an SRO? Thoughts of huge SRO on Banker give me a queasy feeling.

    “Hotels are classed as “mainly transient” when at least 75 percent of their guests are not permanent residents. The guest in a typical transient hotel can expect a room with private bath, telephone, radio, and television, in addition to such customer services as laundry, valet, and cleaning and pressing.” –

  3. calyercooze on Tue, 13th May 2008 10:38 am
  4. There’s a CB1 meeting tonight at 6:30 at 211 Ainslie, if anyone wants to go. I’m going to try and go to talk about Studio B issues. Maybe this should be added to the list of things to discuss?

  5. BklynNYGal on Tue, 30th Dec 2008 5:11 pm
  6. I find everything about 80 Clay St. this very interesting. My brother lives in one of his buildings in Brownsville, 351 Howard Ave. in Brooklyn to be exact. Mind you, this building has been mismanaged in the past, with no repairs being done, boiler not working, the usual complaints for a building being neglected, or should I say, being run by slumlords whose only interest in obtaining these buildings is to get richer and richer while the poor residents suffer unnecessarily.
    Well, I did some research, and guess what? Mr. Max Stark has taken this building over! Judging by what I’ve read about the Greenpoint Hotel, now I see why the tenants at 351 Howard ave. are living worse than before, not to mention the fact that there are several HP cases in Civil Court against them. By the way, they are known as 351 Enterprise LLC now, led by Mr. Stark.

  7. aenki on Thu, 26th Nov 2009 10:59 pm
  8. Interesting! 1140 St. Johns Place, is run by 1140 Enterprise LLC (Max Stark!)

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