Greenpoint To Get More Fingers?

May 15, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Earlier this week I received the following email from Lisacat. She writes:

I just heard this from my landlord who heard it from Millie the crossing guard who heard it at mass this morning. The convent, brothers house on the corner of N. Henry and the caretaker’s house on Richardson are all uninhabited now. I sure hope diocese isn’t going to sell-out to developers… such great old buildings.

This is one of the previously mentioned properties: the Brothers’ House. It can be found at the corner of North Henry and Richardson Street. If (or more likely, WHEN) this building is razed to construct some over-sized and completely out of context piece of garbage, what do you think the finished product will look like?

Will they retain the facade and build a finger behind it like Karl Fischer did with the Luminous?

Will it be razed to build a(nother) Fedders Special like this…

or this on Monitor Street?

Or will they go all fancy on us and employ a two-tone brick scheme like this beauty on Meeker?

Nice balconies.

In any case, I think I can assert one thing for certain. By the time all the (over) development dies down Greenpoint will probably have enough fingers to make a fist!

Miss Heather


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