Greenpoint Photo du Jour: The Writing On The Wall

May 27, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

That’s what makes parts of Brooklyn so special. You have all of these rowhouses, townhouses, smaller-scale developments, more neighborhood-friendly developments. You have more open space. The quality of life in this way is going to be preserved in Brooklyn.

– Karl Fischer

Hey Karl, you might want to head down to the Boulevard Tavern on Meeker Avenue. Someone would like to have a word with you.

Look at it this way Mr. Fischer, at least one person in Greenpoint doesn’t think you are the “worst architect ever“.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: BIG props got out to Jay Slack for forwarding this gem. Great find!


One Comment on Greenpoint Photo du Jour: The Writing On The Wall

  1. ciscokid on Tue, 27th May 2008 9:26 pm
  2. Gotta love the Howard Roark mention. He was actually a fictional architect with a flair for the fantastic as played by Gary Cooper in the 1949 movie “The Fountainhead.” Definitely recommend it if you can catch it on TCM some time.

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