Manhattan Avenue: Then and Now

June 3, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Inspired by the brand new bus shelter gracing the intersection of Greenpoint and Manhattan Avenues, I am going to share with you, dear readers, another photograph of Greenpoint from back in the day.

From Straw Dogs to glass, steel and Shaken Iced Espresso. Greenpoint, you’ve come a long way baby!

Miss Heather


5 Comments on Manhattan Avenue: Then and Now

  1. dc108 on Tue, 3rd Jun 2008 2:18 pm
  2. Let us not forget the Roy Rogers and then the Burger King that once called that Starbucks home.

    The BK surrounding the McDonald’s always made me laugh (and it did indeed surround it… the property on the Greenpoint Ave. side of McDonald’s, which I believe is now a Quest Diagnostics, was all one facility).

  3. Tony From Kent Street on Tue, 3rd Jun 2008 3:02 pm
  4. How many times does Curbed use you until they start sending you checks?

  5. missheather on Tue, 3rd Jun 2008 3:05 pm
  6. Did you ever think maybe I was sending them checks? Just kidding! 😉

    I honestly don’t mind as long as I’m credited.

  7. rexlic on Wed, 4th Jun 2008 8:49 am
  8. I also like that the Chopin Theater was advertising a performance by Jay and the Americans. “Cara Mia,” “Come A Little Bit Closer,” “Only In America,” and a decent remake of the Drifters’ “This Magic Moment”: all monster hits in the act’s ’60s heyday. Lead singer Jay Black, a.k.a. David Blatt, was a Kings County boy–Boro Park, to be precise.

  9. rheingold on Wed, 4th Jun 2008 11:41 am
  10. To think, in the 70s Greenpoint was visited by both Pope John Paul II and Jay & The Americans. Those were the days.

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