Great Moments In Real Estate Rhetoric: Long Island City

June 9, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City 

As of 12:30 I am halfway through sorting through the 600-odd photographs the Mr. and I took during yesterday’s waterfront tour. On that note, I would like to tender a few observations about attending a five hour railmarine cruise:

  1. Train enthusiasts are really, really into trains. Big time.
  2. Some of the aforementioned enthusiasts lack social skills, e.g.; they congregate in the front of the boat thus blocking the view for everyone else (READ: me).
  3. When one is on a five hour cruise in choppy water during 90+ degree weather, getting throughly doused by water from the Hudson River is sweet relief, dignity be damned. I mean, it’s not like it’s Newtown Creek or anything.
  4. If one is unacclimatized to being on a boat for long periods of time (or to use sea-faring parlance, a “landlubber”) you will awaken the next day feeling like Amy Winehouse’s liver after an all-night binge.
  5. Train enthusiasts have difficulty understanding why the following made me explode into fits of uncontrollable laughter.

Well, it was not so much the poster per se as the edifice it was attached to.

You can always leave it to Karl Fischer to give Miss Heather cause for amusement. Or transform an otherwise distinctive-looking building into something that should be gracing an office park in Omaha, Nebraska. Take your pick.

I wonder if people can see this from the observation deck of the Empire State Building? I can only hope so. This makes the Garden Spot’s blue balls digester tanks look good. I bet when this masterpiece had its grand opening members of the French Embassy weren’t present either*. Take that, Karl!

Miss Heather

*There were French Embassy personnel present at the Digester Tank Lighting Ceremony. I learned this yesterday. I am not kidding.


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  • NYS Flickr Pool

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