Studio B Rooftop Garden: What A Difference A Couple Of Months Make!

June 14, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

The above screen cap was taken April 10, 2008.

This one was taken June 14, 2008.

Hmm. I wonder what made the Department of Buildings change their mind?

Miss Heather

UPDATE, June 16, 2008: Check out the comment left by “Citizen Skein” It is very illuminating.


6 Comments on Studio B Rooftop Garden: What A Difference A Couple Of Months Make!

  1. mingum on Sun, 15th Jun 2008 11:02 pm
  2. This is the same architect that my subprime evil money grubbing landlord uses, who also signs off on the permits here in the LES. One might think this particular landlord’s architect knows his (or her?) way around the system. They had our Stop Work Order rescinded in record time and without any fines though continuing to work throughout.

  3. SouthOfNYC on Mon, 16th Jun 2008 9:20 am
  4. Looks like a classic case of “Money Talks” and “Money Under The Table Talks Loudest”.

    I wonder who has the greasy palms today.

  5. Citizen Skein on Mon, 16th Jun 2008 11:27 am
  6. The DOB did not “change their mind.” The architect met with the plan examiner and removed the outstanding objections. This application is only filed to legalize the illegally occupied second floor.
    The CO currently has the 2nd floor listed as vacant and thus cannot be occupied, legally.

    I make a lot of money consulting on building code and zoning matters and the only thing I’ve learned in the last 8 years doing so is that no one cares about code or zoning. The DOB doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to enforce anything. In this case, Studio B thumbed their nose because they knew the DOB couldn’t care less. They’ve been occupied that 2nd floor since May 2nd when they had the Brazilian booby thing.

    The next thing you’ll see is “permit entire” where “disapproved” was and “approved” now is on that BIS screen shot. Then you’ll see a TCO and hopefully a new PA permit that includes the 500 people on the second floor. You probably won’t see those things for another 2 months, but they’ve been operating illegally for 6 weeks, what’s another 8-10 weeks of illegal occupancy between friends?

  7. missheather on Mon, 16th Jun 2008 11:33 am
  8. Citizen Skein: WOW. Thanks for the detailed clarification! I also love your use of the phrase “testicular fortitude”. Will use that on New York Shitty at some point. Giving you full credit, of course.

    Thanks again.

  9. Citizen Skein on Mon, 16th Jun 2008 9:03 pm
  10. No problem. If you ever want to know what the “law” is, I’m here for you. It’s pretty apparent that no one really cares about toeing the line though, right?

  11. missheather on Tue, 17th Jun 2008 10:39 am

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