Something I Really Didn’t Need To Know

June 23, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Anyone who is married will tell you the institution is all about sharing. Sharing a home, sharing a life, sharing the stomach flu, and so forth. This mutually agreed upon bond also entails learning things about one’s partner you may very well prefer not to know. Case in point:

Miss Heather: She is a really beautiful woman. This is really saying something given she is green.
Mr. Heather: Green women can be sexy. Haven’t you ever seen that Star Trek episode?
(Miss Heather swivels around in her office chair, stares at Mr. Heather)
Miss Heather: You should be SO happy Overheard in New York won’t accept submissions from conversations you are involved in.

Yes, my husband is a colossal dork. MY DORK until death do us part. Lucky me.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Something I Really Didn’t Need To Know

  1. miconian on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 10:22 pm
  2. In defense of Mr. Heather, the green alien woman is one of the most iconic images of the original Star Trek series. His reference wasn’t obscure at all, and the green woman in question (Susan Oliver) was definitely sexy.

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