Great Moments In Real Estate Advertising: Light, Volume, Space, Stink!

June 27, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Today as I was walking down McGuinness Boulevard I noticed that the condominium building I like to call “Fort Apache, The Point” now has a web site: Intrigued, I went home and checked it out. Although it is little more than a page directing you to the The Developers Group’s web site, it sports something I found more than a little amusing.

As this image scrolled in front of me my gut instinct told me to take a screencap and look at it very carefully. So I did.

Yup, illuminated living in Greenpoint means having an unobstructed view of our local waste treatment plant*!

Miss Heather

*Which, if you are wondering, was a bit more fragrant than usual today.


2 Comments on Great Moments In Real Estate Advertising: Light, Volume, Space, Stink!

  1. the scowl » Blog Archive » friday night; links on Fri, 27th Jun 2008 10:03 pm
  2. […] Miss Heather on the condos roughly a block from the apartment I call home, and their secret mysteries. (Nothing like this, I’m […]

  3. rheingold on Sat, 28th Jun 2008 1:24 am
  4. Maybe they mean “irradiated”.

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