Salvation For Sale

July 9, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Ever wondered what’s going on with that old church on Kent Street? Well, other from being a home for lost toys it’s slated to be converted into housing by Hirsch Enterprises. 35-38 units of it to be more or less precise. Will any of these units be affordable? At first Alfred V. Saulo answered “no” but shortly thereafter changed his answer to “I don’t know.”

Regardless he had ample material to present to Community Board 1.

The Landmarks Commission saw fit to preserve the stained glass windows on the first floor and the rose window, but clear glass will be employed on the upper floors to accommodate the new tenants of this building. Solar panels will be installed on the roof save the east section of the “Sunday School”, as the LPC thought it too visible from the street.

When questioned about the “precedent” for installing clear glass windows in a church conversion Mr. Saulo, architect, demurred. He also hedged aroundthe removal of the “religious icon” gracing said edifice, something that very much upset the residents of Kent street present. When queried as to what accommodations would be given in regards to providing parking this property, Mr. Saulo, however, gave a straight answer: none. This is because as a landmarked property it is exempt!

St. Elia’s (Elijah’s) is for sale! I wonder how much these units will cost. Anyone?

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Salvation For Sale

  1. digitalfront on Wed, 9th Jul 2008 10:39 am
  2. Did they mention why their plans were disapproved by the DOB in April?

  3. missheather on Wed, 9th Jul 2008 2:38 pm
  4. Nope.

  5. brooklyn11211 on Thu, 10th Jul 2008 12:12 am
  6. There is ample precedent for removing stained glass and inserting clear, although many developers later find that the stained glass sells better (strangely enough, people actually will pay more for apartments with pretty windows). I can name three churches off the top of my head where this has been done. Likewise, removal of religious iconography (crosses, stars) is approved by Landmarks often. Its all pretty standard for church conversions, and there is loads of precedent.

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