Just Another Day In Greenpoint

July 15, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Anyone knocking around Manhattan Avenue today probably noticed there was a lot of filming going on. At Matchless (above) a feature entitled Three Girls was being shot.

Further north I happened upon this motley crew of characters. Curious to know what was going on I asked one of them (the woman in the leopard print pants in the above photograph).

Miss Heather: What’s with all the people sporting the luau get-up?
Woman: They’re filming Lipstick Jungle here today. We’re extras in a party scene.
Miss Heather: Thanks. I was just curious because it is sort of unusual to see people decked out like this here on a weekday.
Woman: It’s funny you mention that. You are the first person who has asked us what we’re doing. We have been walking back and forth from the location (Club Exit —Ed. Note) to the holding area and no one seems to care.
Miss Heather: That’s Greenpoint for you. We have all types here. You can pretty much do or be whatever you want and no one will pay any mind.

It’s true. You can do or be anything you want to be in the Garden Spot. I once wore a pair of fairy wings to the grocery store because I felt like it. Aside from a few bemused looks no one seemed to care.

And on that note I am sad to inform everyone that Greenpoint recently lost one of its more distinctive citizens to a heart attack. Her name was Jessica Cooper, but most of us knew her as that big gal with the pigtails who loved to wear her Catholic School uniform. While some (myself included) may not understand exactly what made Jessica tick, she had a huge heart. She was a frequent volunteer at the Greenpoint Food Pantry and will be sorely missed by her partner of 40 years, Dottie. Rest in peace Jessica, you will be missed by many.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Just Another Day In Greenpoint

  1. d on Tue, 15th Jul 2008 7:30 pm
  2. Whaaaat? I just saw her a few weeks ago. Also, my awesome neighbor, a Greenpoint resident for 25+ years, passed away last week. One thing I love about the ‘point is how friendly all these old timers are to me since I’ve moved here…this sweet old gentleman made a point of stopping to talk to me every so often and I’ll really miss him.

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